my daughter is 10 and has been bedwetting for year, has taken desmopressin for about 3 years which worked at first alone but then had about 9 months of oxybutin prescribed at the hospital which worked really well, during this time she was tired a lot and didn't gain any weight or grow at all so had a phone consultation and weaned her off over an 8 week period as set by the doctor. It's been 4 weeks since this ended and she has wet twice this week and tonight asked to see the doctor as dribbling through the day has started again and in her words 'she needs a wee every 5 minutes' has anyone experienced this? I still have medication spare but it took a few weeks to get a phone consultation last time as no actual appointments were free to visit! Wondering whether to just give her the medication again but she has a year till high school and hates knowing she has to have tablets to stop her wetting. She still takes desmopressin just not oxybutinin.Thank you if anyone replies x
Bedwetting starting again after medication reduced..... - ERIC
Bedwetting starting again after medication reduced.....

My 13 year old has been prescribed oxybutinin but refuses to take them as gets a very dry mouth, he also takes 240g desmomelts for night time. I'm worried that wetting is boxers slightly everyday has become normal to him when he can't get to a toilet on time or his jumping up and down when he needs to go the toilet! He usually changes his boxers after school or after playing have tried to explain to him he would not have to do this if he took oxybutinin but he refuses. Nighttimes have improved recently which is amazing though.
Just wanted to say I feel for what your going through with your daughter and good luck
Hi, my 9 year old daughter is on desmo melts & 5 mg oxybutin (we have managed recently to reduce from 10 mg). My daughter has had no side effects from either thankfully. I would suggest trying her on them again until you get a further prescription & also trying bed alarm & going back to basics again. (No fizzy, blackcurrant, nothing before an hour before bed etc). I am sure you are doing all this already, but I know sometimes my daughter becomes a little lax when things are going well & we have to go back to the basic rules again!
I hope she gets on track soon - we have been going through this for years now on and off & it is horrible for them & stressful for parents and the older they get, the harder it becomes for them. Good luck!
Hi there, I'm in similar situation with my 10 year old daughter. She was on desmopressin 120g, plus slow release oxbutynin 1st thing plus 1 sachet Movicol. Her Hospital doctor (who we've seen for years & was brilliant) wasn't too worried and said that the oxybutynin and Movicol do "no harm"...we had tried to come off desmomelt twice with some success, but then regressed so went back on it) At this point, she was 100% dry day & night and very bouncy and confident.....however, he has now retired and his replacement is immediately anxious to "get her off her meds" as "she has to come off them at some point"! She also recommended a buzzer watch to remind her to go to the loo. She doesn't understand that it has nothing to do with her not going when needing to go! She drinks tons water avoids sugar before bed and has the green light at school to go to the toilet whenever she needs it. Soooo, we brought her off Oxybutynin and after couple more weeks reduced her Movicol to half sachet. I refused to pay £50 for the watch as i didn't believe it would be productive (& a nurse on here agreed with me). Within 6 weeks, she was wetting bed few times, damp pants 1st thing and lots of damp smelly pants throughout day, plus some skid marks. All very stressful for her and me and her self esteem plummeted. Plus I was back to stripping bed nearly every day and keeping a bucket handy for accidents & carrying spare clothes just in case all the time! So I made the decision to put her back on Oxybutynin and retained the Movicol at half sachet. Within 2 weeks she was back to 99% dry day & night and a happier bunny. My husband took her back to her 4 month check up yesterday & said the doc hummed and harred & didn't sound too impressed and is now referring her to St Thomas' hospital as they have a specialist unit! Will keep you updated...
Thank you for replying, it's good to know I'm not alone in my struggles with her, it's frustrating for her and all of us with bed changing etc!
We've only been see by the specialist at the hospital once as 2nd was a phone appointment, she's still on 240 desmopressin and was on 10mg oxybutynin tablets at night too......I still have some left over so might re start them as we are going away next week and I don't want her worrying plus she can't do long car journeys without needing to stop if she is like before x