I'm desperately searching for a night time pull up for my son. Drynites don't work & neither do Pampers. For the past few months I've been using Carrefour, a French brand which was recommended on here, however they are no longer suitable for him. I take him for a dream wee at least once per night & also regularly end up changing his bedding & pjs due to the leaks. He weighs 23kg and wees a lot in the night. Thanks
Night time products: I'm desperately searching for a... - ERIC
Night time products

Hi Luna
Have a look at TENA they do a extra small slip nappy, or a junior slip, i think they can send samples for you to try, if you ring them Im sure an advisor can give you advice. When you google put in TENA uk.
Do you have a local continence product service that can help you?
Good luck nappy hunting
You should try goodnight trufit

Fab thanks, I will look into them! 🙂

Do you know where I can purchase them in UK (online)? I would love to try these but it's redirecting me to American sites ...
you can try here amazon.co.uk/Huggies-Goodni... Thanks Gabe.
Can I ask of you've been advised to do a dream wee? I've heard and read different schools of thought on this practice!
Bumble is now back under our local continence service, but purely for products, as care, advice and treatment is all from Evelina Children's hospital. She has molicare mobile and an allowance of 1.5 per day. For these we don't pay anything, its under NHS.
The continence nurse suggested it & I've heard a few people mention doing it with their children. I suppose it may be training the bladder to wee in the night 🤔 but before the dream wee he was literally sopping by the next day, so I do think it's helping him at the moment. Thanks for the brand name, I will look into them 🙂
Sorry the Carrefour nappies didn't work for long luna2017 🙁 Have you tried any of these other brands yet?
One thing that worked really well for us while we were away camping was 2 x size 6 Pampers pull ups, one on top of the other - the outer one didn't usually get wet but seemed to hold the wee inside the other one. If the outer one was still dry we'd rotate it to be the inner one the next night. Not a damp PJ bottom in ten nights - worth a try if nothing else is working?
Totally with you on the dream wee, absolutely necessary in our house! X
Hey 🙂 Oh I know, shame about the Carrefour hey 🤦🏽♀️ Well since they started leaking I purchased a few other shop bought brands to test. The continence nurse told me Asda's Little Angels are produced by the same company who make the younger sized products for the NHS, so I gave them a try & they were fab! But blinking typical he's now too big for them bless him. More good news though, Drynites have a new 5 layer absorbency! So I'm trailing them again once we use up the old products. What are you using at the moment? X