Hi Everyone,
So glad I found this site. My 3 yr 5 month old daughter has had constipation issues for about 18 months. She'd never had problems with soiling just really struggling to go every 4 days or so. She's potty trained and also has no problems and is dry at night. 3 months ago everything changed. She was incredibly sick and complaining of stomach pains. I took her to the hospital and they guessed (no X-ray) it was impaction. We were told to follow the impaction regime with Movicol. Day 7 and 8 sachets she was in a lot of pain so I took her back to hospital and this time they x rayed and said she was clear and to stop the Movicol. I did this and we had 6 weeks of poos every other day on the toilet and no soiling. Then problems started again last week. Out of the blue she soiled 5 times in one day with sticky, toothpaste consistency poo. I went to the doctor and they've told me she must be impacted so here I am again starting the regime.
Last time we did disimpaction we never got to water only type 6 on the stool chart. Do I need to keep pressing on till water? How long will this take?
I'm finding all this so frustrating. She has never had any issues sitting on the toilet or potty. Potty training day/night was a breeze.
Just wish I had a special camera so I could see what was happening in her little tummy
Thanks in advance xx