Hi, I’m 74 taking no regular medication, fit, normal weight. Been taking Cialis 10 mg successfully for 15 yrs, increased to 20 mg for a couple of years after that. Now I’m just getting enlargement but not stiff enough for penetration. Is this the end of the road? - or would higher dosage be wise?
Cialis no longer workin fully - Erectile Dysfunct...
Cialis no longer workin fully

I wonder if a small dose of viagra before planned sexual activity might do the trick. What does your Dr think?
Well you might add sildenafil (viagra) and see if that helps. You could also take some L-Arginine supplements. Those are said to be the 'poor man's viagra'. Also make sure you are adequately hydrated.

Thanks, I’ve not heard of L-Arginine before but it sounds very interesting. I was planning to take a supplement of Ashwaganda to see if that helps also.

Hi, I meant to write to say a heartfelt Thank You! I bought some L-Argenine, took 3gm and a 100mg Viagra and normal service is resumed! I feel terrific to have my masculinity back, and a certain lady has a very big smile on her face too!
you might try L-Citrulline with some zink also Korean Red Panax Ginseng 1600mg and horny goat weed
Ginseng certainly helps. It made my erections much firmer. But at the expense of disturbed sleep for me. (And not disturbed in a nice way!).
HGW - did not seem to have any effect.
yes it does
Try pt-141. I've used it along with cialis and have had very good results.
Do you inject it, or inhale it? Not sure where to find it in the UK. Sounds interesting
You inject it in your stomach, like insulin. No big deal at all. For me it takes about 2 hours to take effect and lasts about 6 hours. Last time I used it I took 10mg of cialis along with pt-141. I was super hard, off and on, for hours. Stated with a low dosage and gradually found the right amount.