Would allergies cause seizures? My son has had like five seizures and the doctor said it's allergies. I have never heard of that. Thanks
Allergies and seizures? π€·πΌββοΈπ€·πΌββοΈ - Epilepsy South Af...
Allergies and seizures? π€·πΌββοΈπ€·πΌββοΈ

There can be many causes for seizures other than epilepsy. We are not medical doctors so cannot confirm or deny whether allergies can cause seizures. Please discuss this with your son's doctor as you have the right to query medical information.
Hi there, my daughter has few triggers for seizures, over tiredness, change in diet, travelling far distances, not drinking enough water, light sensitivity, waking up with a shock and when pollen is extremely high and she forgets to take her meds for allergies, she has a seizure. She is on Avamys and allacet for her allergies. Extremely allergic to cut grass.
My son is also on Avamys. We did take him off the allergy medication for awhile to see if it was a once off thing. And the seizures came back worse. He is 11 so getting a call from school saying he had a seizure was terrifying. So first seizure was at 11. Thanks for making me feel a little better by knowing there is someone else with a child that battles with seizures and allergies. One last question does your daughter also sometimes see things weird. Like a fence changing shape etc even on allergy medication?
Things like ' fence changing shape' before a seizure? Well, twice before she had a seizure, she woke up with a shock and was looking around stunned. She explained to me that she seen the water coming out of the picture frame in her room and she was going to drown. A 2nd time she says she seen the cord connected to the lamp in her room moving towards her. The other times, she couldn't recall anything before but said she felt "strange".
This information is helping me so much. Did you take her for a MRI scan or a EEG? How did they pick up it was from allergies?
After my daughters 3rd seizure when her condition went to status and she was admitted in hospital, her pediatrician done an allergy test cause she often had a sore throat, and everytime she had a seizure before, her throat was sore, and as time went on, I kept a diary of her seizures, i realised that the day she forgot to use Avamys and there was grass cutting in the area, she would have a seizure that day. Keep a diary for your son and write down everything you can remember that day or the previous day that could lead to a seizure like if he had a tiring day, didn't eat well, watched too much TV or played too much TV games. Even over anxiousness can trigger a seizure. My older brother use to have seizures out of fear for his teacher at school cause his teacher use to beat him up. Although my daughter was diagnosed epileptic by her paed, he suggested that it would be best to deal with her condition with a neurologist.

The description of "a fence changing shape" may be an aura. This is like an early warning system for seizures that some people with epilepsy experience. It can be a sound, an image, a smell or even a physical sensation.
The last aura he had was that he was smelling something strange. I am just hoping that he manages to make it to school in the morning. There has been occasions when he starts seeing weird things just as I am about to drop him off at school. Wish me luck with school starting soon. So is aura a sign of epilepsy?
Hi, Im so sorry to hear that, and it must be awful to experience. I'm no Dr. But it depends on the nature of the allergy. Epilepsy has "triggers" sometimes, something we eat, our emotional state, loud sounds or lights set it off. One of mine is "sushi" sometimes even laughing too much..lol! Please get another opinion! Your son needs the help, seizures hurt, cheeks, tongue, your body takes at least 2days to recover from the pain. He needs your help. Dr's put their pants one leg at a time too. They forget that. Never be intimidated by them.
Allergies can trigger a seizure.
My son was on his allergy medication. Then on Monday had two seizures in one day. Took him to hospital and they have now put him on epilim 200. Did the EEG test and blood tests and they all came out fine. Hopefully that will sort the seizures out. On Monday going to have a CT Scan to rule out if anything else is causing it.