Hi I am on 5 different anti epileptics. I can't loose weight. I don't eat much but sleep a lot. Advice please 😀
Restored : Hi I am on 5 different anti... - Epilepsy South Af...
Hi - I don't know your position, but don't give up, raise your concerns with your specialist - you need the neurologist to advise on the medication. Do not reduce food consumption in the event you may put on weight - there are healthy options. Some medications may suppress hunger, ignore that and maintain a regular balanced diet, including veg. Most foods including sauces etc contain high sugar content, junk food especially sugar and fats.
Exercise, whether it be walking, running, cycling, swimming, whatever suits your fancy. Do it, yes, there is the concern that one may have a seizure, however, you may not and would have breached a hurdle toward greater goals. We all need to exercise our mind and body, one tends to stagnate, when subcontious stress steps in, which can increase ones frequency of seizures.
Set goals and go out to achieve them - no matter how small - a walk to freedom from the stress of epilepsy.
Regards Tim
Yes exercise is good for epilipsy. I do exercise first thing in the morning. It lets me to cope better with lifes challenges.