Tests revealed unknown type of brain tumours - gliomas or cysts . Surgery in 1989 showed they were benign epidermoid cysts which were removed. However, the craniotomy triggered epilepsy.... infrequent daytime absences and regular nocturnal seizures. Absences were quickly controlled with AED medication, but took 10 years to find clobazam.
GP stopped clobazam in 2006 due to concerns over benzodiazepines, and within 3 weeks had 2 nocturnal gran mal seizures plus post-ictal behaviour issues. Took 8 months to get back onto clobazam again.
Latest GP on advice from neurology gave advice last month to stop clobazam during problems with excessive sleepiness while switching AED meds which should never have been suggested. !!!
Obvious need for it is not on my medical records.
Long-term use of carbamazepine has caused multiple and increasing side-effects , so now switching from carbamazepine onto Levitiracetam.
Let's hope all goes well 🙏