Hi…I had my first seizure in over 50 years recently, I am now 68 and had one as a kid. I have always been aware that my “episodes of weirdness”, as I call them, are probably some sort of epilepsy and I have been keeping a diary of them for the last 15 years. Until now I haven’t looked back through the diary but now, having read it, I am struck by a couple of things. Before an “episode” I have often felt “bunged up and hayfeverish” and the other recurring condition is an abrupt change in the weather from calm to windy. Coincidence? Has anyone else noticed this…and, my other question, is there anything that you could do about it even if you knew you had the likelihood of an episode happening that day.
When I was younger I used to find the episodes frightening and would mentally push them away in a panic. As I have grown older I have become less frightened and I am more fascinated by the possibility of grasping that parallel universe that appears to me, at once so familiar yet so utterly alien. If I could just allow myself to experience it I might just understand it. Well it took me down good and proper a couple of weeks ago. I was lucky to have had a soft landing but I might not be so lucky next time.
I was wondering, does anyone recognise high risk days and take precautions? And does anyone feel an episode coming on and get themselves into a safe position (on the ground) in time? I still haven’t seen a neurologist and am unmedicated…I will feel a lot more confident once I am on drugs.