I had my first seizure at the age of 24 on New Year’s Day 2016. Since then I’ve been in the ICU numerous times for grand and petite mal seizures. Before I had my first grand mal seizure, I would sometimes get intense feelings of dejavu and feel as if I’m underwater. No known cause has been determined and I’ve been diagnosed with epilepsy. I’m beginning to get very depressed and have no confidence to be by myself or to take care of my daughter alone. I’m currently on lamictal 100mg twice a day. If anyone has any advice or support please respond to my post. Thank you.
Starting my third year of seizures - Epilepsy Action
Starting my third year of seizures

Hey how are you I’m Matthew I’m 21 I know how it feels it makes you feel depressed and it sucks I suffer from absences, jerks and tonic clonics and I’m always here if you ever need or want to talk or anything
I suffer from those as well! I didn’t have my first one until 24
I’m 26 now. I have the small ones randomly, it feels like the most intense dejavu I’ve ever felt and I can’t talk or move
Aww ok do you know when your last one was and I’ve sent you a private message thing and I’m always here if you ever need to talk or anything what’s medication are you on I’m on keppra
Yeah I just had seven on Friday and was in the hospital until Saturday evening. I’m on lamictal I can’t take Keppra it makes me way too angry.
Aww how are you feeling atm seizure wise and do you have Snapchat or anything and is the lamictal taking any affect or working
It won’t let me open the private messages idk why
Not great I have a really bad headache and back ache from where I hurt myself having seizures Friday
Yes for some of them I do and other times I wake up in the hospital and find out I’ve been there for a week
My husband and my whole family are aware
No mainly what feels bad right now is recovering from the seven on Friday
I live right beside my grandparents and my mom. Someone is always in constant contact with me bc I have a three and a half year old daughter as well that I stay home with
Lamictal seemed to be working for six months before these most recent ones
I’m in the US but I spent the first five years of my life in the UK bc my father was in the military
Mine are just random. Sometimes big grand mals, sometimes just the few secs of dejavu and confusion
Drs are unsure with me too. First I was told it was stress related then I was told pseudo seizures now I’m being told that I’m epileptic. I’m so confused and scared and overwhelmed. I have a great support system and family but they don’t really understand what it feels like though.
Do you have any advice for me?
Never give up and your never alone in this fight
I have no self confidence right now
Awww you can do this u can I know it’s hard and it sucks but u can fight this ok your stronger and better than epilepsy u can beat it
What’s your idea?
I’ll take any help I can find right now. They have been going on for two and a half years now and I’m still at a loss
Twenty six
This is fine with me
Okay thank you so how are your seizures mostly?
What’s that
Well they iether do the flashing light thing or they get you to basically hyperventilate to see if their triggerid by exercise
No we haven’t done that yet
Okie dokie would you be willing or able to when or if you get an aura or a warning to message me because sometime you can get people out of the seizure
Yes and yes I would thank you
I’m about to go to sleep but I will message you tomorrow thank you again for all of your support
Goodnight and thank you I will message you tomorrow to discuss this some more
Do you ever have a lot of back pain? I can hardly walk this morning
Would I remember it?
My leg is just hurting so bad and feels like it’s aslee
It was wet
I can’t stop crying
awww im always here can i do anything to help would you like me to call you or anything im always here i promise
In my back and down my right leg and in my tenples
On Saturday and no
My husband said it sounds like my sciatic nerve
Hi Raelynn,
Just wondering if you are taking Lamotrigine(lamictil)?
I just came across your post and it really struck me how similar your situation is to what mine was. I actually had an allergic reaction to that drug so now I am on another.
How are you doing? Is it temperal lobe epilepsy that you have?
I'm on allsorts of medication still have seizures I just stop whatever I'm doing and think I'm abroad or somewhere else Now I've got degenerative lumber spine and broken bone in my back fed up of it all