As a mum and carer to my 38 year old son who has grand mal epilepsy and learning disabilities. I thought I would share some information. At my request 3 years ago my son stopped wearing his much loved nylon football shirts. I also changed his bedding to 100% pure cotton and linen. His quilt is feather (from IKEA) his mattress has a cotton cover (ikea) The reason being he had the worse seizure I had ever witnessed and as he has been taking his medication I knew there had to be something more I could do. We also changed our diets, no more cows milk, we use almond, organic veg meat and fish.. We don't have carpets as again they cause "static" most contain nylon of some description. We do not have florescent lights at home either, as I discovered that was another trigger. We had nothing to lose by trying. 3 years later and he has not had a a full seizure he has had a few "warnings" some triggered by cyclists flashing lights, others by stress related situations. Four years ago he was having a full seizure at the minimum of one a month. I do not believe it is just a coincidence. I believe our life style changes have kept the seizures at bay. I plan on starting a petition to make the flashing lights illegal again, like they where a few years ago. As I know from experience, there are many types of epelepsy, there are also many more triggers.
If the Information helps just one person with epilepsy then I am happy 😊..