endometriosis diet anyone?: im after some... - Endometriosis UK

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endometriosis diet anyone?

natureschild profile image
4 Replies

im after some information on the diet and carnt seem to find it in the search on hear so could you help me? and if you can have you been on it and your exsperiances if you would please? really need the help as the internet is full of rubbish aswell as the good and don't no whats right from wrong! thanks

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natureschild profile image
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4 Replies
jojo777 profile image

Hi endo diet is strict but long term can reduce the pain a lot.

It is based on no gluten/wheat, no caffeine/alcohol, no processed sugar, no dairy, no red meat, only organic eggs, etc diet. It might seem a lot to take on but you can always start by cutting down one category at a time, it will be easier like that. (I would suggest wheat/gluten first as it helps to reduce bloating too)

I'm almost a year in gluten free, no caffeine, no dairy etc diet and all I need the bad days is heat pads for the pain. As I want to be alert I decided not to go to the strong painkillers route, that would leave me spaced out, so I was determined to follow the diet.

If you start the diet, you can check gradually which of the above categories of food affects you. e.g. I use rice/almond milk instead of dairy, but I occasionally eat feta cheese and i'm fine. its a bit trial and error especially if you have difficulties cutting down completely something you love.

This is a good link for endo diet


and there are several books in Amazon, Carolyn Bennett has a good book called "recipes for the endometriosis diet".

Jo x

natureschild profile image

thanks jojo got that and thanks for the great advice ive done diets similar before so have an idea and some of the will power needed!

and I like yourself came off all meds only heat and painkillers the bad days and only had 3 to 4 says out a month and now im taking pills again a lot of my problems have started again so going natural again will let you know how I get on and thanks again anythings got to be better than this :)


voluptuosvegan profile image

I gave up dairy 4 years ago (was already vegetarian) - that made a HUGE difference for me. My cramping has reduced so much. Really recommend you try this. Also gave up wheat, but not other forms of gluten. This reduced bloating considerably, I used to look 4-5 months pregnant all the time (my husband calls it my wheat baby), much more comfortable now. I also gave up coffee but haven't managed to give up tea as yet. I don't drink alcohol anymore, I realised even a half glass of wine made me feel hungover for days, my chinese doctor says that when you have endo your liver really struggles to clean out all the toxins from that so alcohol puts even more strain on your liver. I really struggle with sugar though, when I'm in pain I crave comfort food, which is usually chocolate. I figure I'm doing pretty well on all the other things I've given up so I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

And the other thing that has made a big difference for me has been seeing a chiropractor every 8 weeks for the last 5 years. He understands endo and does adjustments that really help reduce the pelvic pain.

natureschild profile image

that's really cool im so glad it has helped you and I hear you on the chocolate that will be a struggle for me to!

im just at my end with pills and so on I had two years off them and only had pain meds or homeopathy when it was bad!

id love to see someone natural as im a therapist myself but I can only do so much on me lol

and its having the money to go!

got my planning head on wish I had someone to do this diet with guna be tough on me todd wish me luck

tummy love for you xx

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