Could someone please suggest good over th... - Endometriosis UK

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Could someone please suggest good over the counter pain killers? Paracetomal just isnt hitting it at all. Thank you :)

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24 Replies
mixedspice profile image

Hi sorry to hear you're in pain that paracetamol just isn't shifting. I find ibrofen is most effective and tends to act quicker. When my pain has been at its worst I took med with codeine but with caution as these can be addictive. I hope your situation gets sorted and that your pain is managed well just now. Take care, healing thoughts are sent your way.

I understand your dilemma. I find paracetamol isn't particularly effective for me either, Ibuprofen makes a difference but doesn't take enough of the pain away. I find the most effective to be Co-codamol, although I have to also take laxatives as it gives me horrendous constipation! I never used to take pain relief unless I really needed it, which was rare. This Endometriosis mystery has had me needing pain relief. When I can, I still don't take anything, but use wheat bags and cherry stone cushions and heat packs etc. to halo make the pain more bearable. One warning with codeine though is it is not recommended to be taken more than three days in a row as it can be addictive, so if you try it, use with care :)

Lizzie71 profile image

I use my wheat bag it's fab! The blue pack of Feminax has naproxen in it and that helps me a lot! Hope you find some relief x

Aquitaine profile image

I used to use ibuprofen, but over time took so much of it that I developed gastritis :( It is quite effective though.

Codeine is brilliant but gives you constipation and can be addictive, so do be careful.

Love the wheat bag suggestion - I will try that muself.

Aww thanks guys :) Whats the wheat bag? xx

littlestar profile image

Heat mat £25 from argos.

Cool. I might invest in one of those :) xx

Katt profile image


If the pain isn't too bad I find nurofen plus helps take the edge off. That has ibuprofen and codene in it x

i been trying all different pain meds ones from doctor and ones from chemist and none work at all for my pain im yet to find one to work , i brought a electric throw the other day from argos it helps sleep and helps pain : )

i also use heat patches but medication wise i just take whatever and hope it works : (

i bought the Nurofen for period pain. Sort of helping but its not at the same time. Is the electric throw expensive? x

tanya88 profile image

Hey I experienced the same kinda pain in the past. Heat pads really help for when your at work. At home you could use castor oil packs. It really helps relive the pain. Hope that helps.

JulesUK profile image

I use Feminax Ultra, I find they work well.

Oh might get them :) thanks all xx

Hilary100 profile image

I fyou get a prescription from your doctor, it might be worth asking for Voltarol suppositories. Suppositories are used very successfully in Europe but I know they are not popular over here.We really need to get over this. They really do work well without causing any of the irritation to your gastro-intestinal tract that anti-inflammatories do.

I think i have those menfamic acid pills...or whatever they are called. They made me feel a bit funny though. Have loads left so might try them again. I dont know what a suppository is :S xx

in reply to

they made me feel funny to and they seemed to make me really moody

I take naproxen (I get prescription but it's the same as feminax), paracetamol and codeine (prescription). You can buy cocodamol over the counter though which is a paracetamol/codeine combo. These 3 are all different groups of pain killers so it's ok to take them together, but be sure to talk to your doctor about this before taking them all, and be sure not to take too much. Make sure you NEVER mix ibuprofen and naproxen. And I would avoid aspirin as I don't know what that does. But don't take my word for this - SPEAK TO YOUR DOCTOR :-) to be safe.

Thank you so much everyone :) i feel very supported on this site :) xx

stevieflp profile image

Another good one is Nuromol - fairly new over the counter - it is neurofen and paracetamol together. Works better than neurofen alone. I agree that your doctor would be the best person to advise you on what is best for your circumstances - sometimes it is trial and error to find what works best - this can change over time too when you are a regular pain-killer user.

Best wishes

NoshB profile image

I get Ibuprofen liquid from the doctors which is prob better than tablets however today it is not working :-(

Please can anyone tell me what this Wheat bag thing is?

N xx

I am interested in what the Wheat Bag is also. I got CuraHeat which work but not allowed to sleep with it on :( which really sucks cause im in a hell of a lot of pain right now :( xx

hopefully profile image

Wheat bag is a material bag you pop in the microwave to heat up, then put it on your body, it's got wheat in it, which retains the heat, similar to hot water bot but bot water or rubber...

InsideOut profile image

Some time ago my gynae consultant told me to take both ibuprofen and solpadeine. I do this when things are really bad and I don't need to go out as they leave you pretty spaced out. I also don't take them literally together, I usually leave an hour gap as I figured that might be gentler on the stomach :)

luluseru profile image

My experience over the last thirty years of pain management is:

For extremeley bad pain (7-10, 10 being the worst ) Voltarol Suppositories 25mg are fast acting 5-10 mins and do the job. but i would only use them when i needed to. Ask your GP for this as it is a perscription only med.

For moderate pain ( I know this sounds ridiculous ) 2x Paracetamol then exactly 2hours later 2x nurofem, if the pain is still bad take 2x paracetamol 2hours later. This is what they do in some hospitals and it really does work if you dont want to use opiates (co codamol , nurofem plus codiene).

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