I go for my first laparoscopy at the end ... - Endometriosis UK

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I go for my first laparoscopy at the end of month, how long will I be ' off my feet' for ? And any more advise welcome, I'm a bit nervous x

sweetypop profile image
8 Replies
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Aquitaine profile image

I think this varies quite a bit from individual to individual. For me, the whole thing was pretty positive. I had the laproscopy on a Monday and was back at work the following Monday. It's now over three weeks ago and I am feeling much, much better, so I very much hope your experience is similarly positive.

Like you, I felt nervous before, and I found it useful to do some preparation as a bit of a distraction and to cheer me up. Here's what I found was helpful:

- during the first couple of days after the operation, you will need to rest a lot, and you're likely to have quite a bit of pain, so I found it useful to stock up with food that I didn't have to cook, and put plenty of nice music on my iPod so that I could relax (and sleep quite a lot).

- you will be particularly uncomfortable around your tummy-button. I found I needed to wear loose dresses, and I bought M&S brazilian knickers (partly to cheer myself up, but also because they didn't get in the way of the stitches). I also bought some hold-ups to wear with the dresses.

- don't make too many commitments to do things after the operation. You won't really know how you're going to feel. I kept my diary pretty open, and started getting up and about because I felt ready, rather than because I had to do something

- my friends were brilliant, and helped with shopping etc when they realised I couldn't really carry heavy loads (this is better now, and I've got no excuses...). It's worth thinking about who you want to help you after the operation.

I really hope it goes well for you. Good luck!

sweetypop profile image
sweetypop in reply to Aquitaine

Thank you

Hi there,

It is very dependent on the person and the circumstances!

I had my first lap back at the end of August 2011, I had a lot of complications during the operation and was probably very tired and shouldn't really have had the operation because I was so tired and worn out. Needless to say due to the anaesethic, complications and me, this operation took me 7 months to get over. Yes I had a lot of complications, and I was run down. I had about 10 weeks off work in all during those 7 months but I wouldn't say that I was right until my next lap at the end of March this year. Completely different experience. I was ready for this one. Got plenty of rest before hand, ate well, looked after myself and the operation went without a hitch, I was up and walking within 5 hours and able to walk 3 miles within 4 days of the operation. Back to work after a week!

The gas pain for me was painful for about a week after my last operation, but plenty of mints, windeze and warm water made it bareable.

I am sure that you will be fine. Get yourself sorted and you won't look back! I am glad that I did - just having an answer after 17 years of pain - did me the world of good!

Hope all goes really well and you are back up on your feet and normality swiftly!

Take care.

MV12 profile image

I would echo a lot that has already been said, first few days make sure you plan to take it very easy. Sleep a lot, have a good stock of books, movies, music (whatever works for you) and make sure you have some painkillers in. You don't want to have to worry about popping out to get stuff so I tend to make sure I have lots of meals already cooked and then frozen. Straight after make sure you have some around as well due to the anaesthetic.

I recommend peppermint tea to help move the gas and having some friends to drop in to keep you company (they can come to you for a few weeks instead)

If you are working and this will depend on your manager but I found talking it through with them and explaining things helped a lot as I didn't feel pressured to go straight back.

Also hold ups and low cut knickers are a god send as they don't put any pressure on the stomach. I also have a lovely gypsy skirt from la redoute (nice and summery but helpfully it's elasticated!!)

I think most of all just take things easy and don't push yourself too hard, listen to what your body is telling you! I think the advice the NHS gave me of only 24 hours and you will back on your feet is optimistic but it shouldn't take too long either. Any questions about things I've said let me know and hope all goes well!

FaithBoo profile image

If it's simply a diagnostic lap I think a week's recovery sounds about right. But it all depends on what else your surgeon does during surgery. Are you having excision surgery or thermal ablation of endo? If your doc needs to treat a lot of the disease and remove adhesions etc this will affect your recovery time. I had a lot of endo treated during my last lap and it took me 3 weeks to be back on my feet this time round. (I'd aimed for 2). After my 1st lap it took 2 weeks for me to be back on my feet, because surgery was less aggressive.

I like to have someone around the house for the first week after lap to help me out and keep me company. I also have problems with fainting during recovery so I usually get someone to stand outside the bathroom when I have a shower during the first week as well.

Try not to lift anything heavy or over-do it because it will just slow down your recovery. Your body needs lots of rest to heal it's poor self!

The rest of the advice here is great. Get in lots of movies/box-sets/books etc to keep you occupied. Once you start feeling a little better you will start to get very frustrated that your body won't co-operate or isn't healing as quickly as you like. But you need to force yourself to relax and let other people look after you if you're lucky enough to have that support available.

Most of all good luck with your surgery sweetypop! I hope you get the best treatment there is and that this lap will help with your pain!


sweetypop profile image
sweetypop in reply to FaithBoo

Im not sure what the surgeon is going to do, they just said a camera then if there is anything there to remove they will with a laser. She also said if there is a lot of it and its complicated they would have to book me in for a bigger op. I don't know what excision surgery or thermal abration is. Doesn't sound nice lol. Thanks for your advise x

nixhaz profile image


I had mine last Friday. It was supposed to just be diagnostic like yours but ended up very complicated and they removed loads of adhesions, excision (where they cut out the endo) thermal ablation (basically they burn away the endo), all my lower organs were involved. Unhappily, my colon is completely attached to my uteris and they couldn't sort that out, so I will have to have a hysterectomy and part of the bowel removed in a few months.

One week later and I am feeling good but still in a bit of pain. They signed me off work for 2 weeks but I am not sure if that will be enough. I am sleeping a LOT, which is very unlike me.

The gas pains were the worst! Really excruciating shoulder and rib pain, but that subsided after a couple of days. They also left a couple of litres of fluid in there to stop the adhesions growing back, so I was very distended and could only wear a nightie or a maxi dress for a few days.

My best advise is to follow what everyone else has said, but also, realise you won't be able to bend over for a few days, so make sure all the things you need are up high! I am kicking myself for not rearranging my drawers so that I can get to clothes, books, phone charger etc. Get loads of pillows so you can prop yourself up in bed/on the sofa. I have had to take loads of codeine, and sorry if this is too much info, but it binds you up something rotten, so I would suggest getting in some suppositories or whatever works for you to keep you going!

Oh, and depending on how you react to anasthetic, I would suggest taking lots of drinks and snacks with you to the hospital. I don't get sick after surgery, and I was starving afterwards but they were very unkeen to give me anything to eat or drink (in case I was) so I just tucked into my own stuff!

Take an overnight bag with you just in case you have to stay over. It is supposed to be day surgery but if it gets late or is complicated then you'll have to stay over.

Hope this helps. Good luck with your surgery. I can already feel a difference in my symptoms, hopefully you will too.



They say 2 weeks however you start to feel a lot better after a few days but it taken 6 months for my stomach to actually go down completly! i dont know why.

When i had operation i didn't do my research i didn't even know what endo was so i thought it would cure it straight away but then 2 months later the endo was back so i guess mine came back before i even healed and thats why i was bloated but im sure it will be different for you i wish you the best.

you will have two scars when its all over one on your belly button and my other one was on the top of my vagina.

take a little pillow with you when you have your laproscopy for when you come out the hospital to hold by your stomach when your in the car and when/if you laugh hold it by your stomach also gas x is good for when the bloating happens but not until a while after the lap because i dont know if you will be able to take it with meds, take overnight bag,robes,nightie or pjs if you prefer, take food if you want when i came around i was hungry and i went walking around like a zombie looking for the food machine where the chrisps and chocolates are but they gave me sandwiches after but they didn't seem like they wanted to if i could of done something different i love flavoured water and when the op is over they make you drink jugs and jugs of water until you pee and i dont really like normal water and i had to drink it : ( and i still couldn't pee! but i got her to let me out anyways

I hope everything goes well for you and you feel a lot better.



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