Hi, just reaching out if anyone has experienced any issues about surgery/ laparoscopic if having a higher BMI?
Surgery: Hi, just reaching out if anyone... - Endometriosis UK
hun I have maybe a quite high bmi as am 13.6 stone have lost a little weight I think a bmi of 30 something I have. I never had any issues I was fine. Never used to be overweight but my psychological drugs I take make me put on weight but no I never had an issue with my lap. The only thing I suffered from was a cellulite infection that spread to me having sepsis in my blood stream. It’s not all bad though.
Sorry to hear about your infection & sepsis, I hope you're better now.
Am better from the sepsis but my pain levels and symptoms are quite bad and I’m struggling at times. They have uped the amitriptiline so am hoping I’ll be ok xx
I can’t duloextine as it made me have restless legs with my other medication I was taking so for me it’s a no no I was on 60 mg
I have a BMI of 40 (I’m working on it…) and my surgery was fine. Had an excision, bowel shaving and removal of endometriomas - six hour surgery. No problems with recovery and I was back to normal in 4 weeks.
Hi Charlie0112, that's really positive and some reassuring to hear thanks for sharing! I hope you're feeling better.