Hi all
I need some help, I have my follow up on Thursday from my laprascopy surgery I had in August.. and I'm stuck with questions to ask, my mind is blank and I'm hoping for abit of advice or questions i can ask if anybody can help
I spent November and the beginning of this month being with my dad in the hosp as he wasn't well an I lost him 2 days after my birthday on the 8th December and since then I've been in a blur if that makes sense.. he was my best friend and I was a daddys girl so to say I feel lost is an understatement but I know I need to do this appointment waited so long for it! If anyone can help I'd appriciate it
Following my surgery the surgeon said he successfully removed as much as he could endo, but I have some adhesions, he said he could tell my ovaries ovulate, but then said we need to do ivf .. said I need to stop smoking which I did that day was the last time I had a cigarette, he said I need to lose weight which I've lost a few pounds.. not alot thou so I think that will push us back my bmi needs to be 30 and I think it's 33
So I'm dreading that part incase he thinks I'm not taking it seriously, but I've had alot going on since surgery, an stopping smoking was quite hard, but I've done it.. and now this appointment has creeped up on me and I only have 3 or 4 questions so far which are
• Was my egg reserve affected in surgery?
• Whats the odds of concieveing naturally?
• Will I not be able to concieve naturally, as you suggested ivf after my op? As you said you was successful in removing endo?
• Do you think my sciatic nerve problem I've had for over 10 years could be related to endo? I am awaiting to see someone about this
• If I were to start ivf wouldn't the Eostregens make my endo worse?
• Why do I bleed so heavy after I've already had a period eg period then 2 days later it starts again
Is there anything else I should be asking, if anyone has any advice I'd be grateful
And thank you in advance too
Hope you all had a great Christmas x
Tammy x