About 7 years ago I got my first symptom I was sitting on the toilet and I passed stringy discharge with blood streaked in it, I panicked and booked a doctors appointment where they tested me for stds and infections, the only thing that came back was thrush. How ever I started developing other symptoms after this they are pain after sex and ( solo orgasm ) bowel movements and going for a wee also pain after exercise like running etc these pains only happen in the lead up to my period after ovulation. I don’t suffer with any pain after my period is finished. I’ve put up with these pains for 7 half years and my new symptom is brown discharge and bleeding after sex a week before period is due. I’m booked for a doctors appointment how ever I am panicking about the bleeding and have been planning my funeral for the past week lol. I’m not officially diagnosed with endo. Do these sound like endo symptoms or should I be more worried.
Thank you x