IBS: Hi so I had my appointment today only... - Endometriosis UK

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EllaRoseX profile image
16 Replies

Hi so I had my appointment today only to be told I have IBS anyone else had this? I wasn’t listened to about my flare ups or pain just talked about my bowels then I was told it was likely to have IBS

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EllaRoseX profile image
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16 Replies
Gothchic profile image

Hiya, I was told in my first gynaecologist appointment that my problem is my bowels even though i was told endometrial deposits was seen on my mri scan, she told me because I went on the pill for three months and my symptoms haven’t gone away the problem is not endometriosis. I said about my other symptoms not just bowel pain but she wouldn’t listen. So frustrating, we know are bodies and how we feel sometimes they just don’t listen. Anyway I went back to my gp and insisted on a second opinion which she said was fair and I went to see another gynaecologist who listened and agreed on giving my laparoscopy. I mean obviously I don’t want surgery but I feel it’s the only way forward in is journey to find answers . I think you should ask to see a different gynaecologist it’s not fair that you weren’t listened to, I know it’s exhausting and disheartening to not be listened to but please keeping pushing on, you deserve answers. Good luck xx

EllaRoseX profile image
EllaRoseX in reply to Gothchic

Thank you I’m going to push for a second opinion because having these flare ups and not being able to move isn’t normal x

Angellouise profile image
Angellouise in reply to EllaRoseX

We keep going to new Gynocologists. Yes get another opinion. Good luck

Angellouise profile image

Unfortunately my daughter was told that too. I don’t know why it is so hard for Gynocologists to figure out problems that are a little difficult.my daughter has suspected endometriosis but it hasn’t been found so she was also told she probably has IBS. I wish you good luck with finding a descent Doctor to help you.

EllaRoseX profile image
EllaRoseX in reply to Angellouise

Hi, thank you it’s so frustrating I really wasn’t listened to and now have no plan to go off I’m really hoping they’ll give me a second opinion

joelle34 profile image

Yes, my first gynae appointment was told I had IBS...8 years later from that appointment with now constant constipation (no IBS symptoms & even did fodmap diet to no avail) and bladder issues plus really bad haemorrhoids thst I ended up in A&E! I was fed up with being fobbed off, given laxatives and told to get on with it, so I sought a 2nd opinion with another gynaecologist, thank goodness I did.I cried as she actually listened, I've been given an IUD to see if hormone therapy will help, and not going to lie it has, it's nice being able to go to the toilet properly again, but if it's still not helping in 6 months she will look into other things.

Please don't be like me, seek that 2nd opinion, 8 years of pain and misery every month due to flare ups near ovulation and period because I felt I was wasting Dr's time. Best of luck x

joelle34 profile image
joelle34 in reply to joelle34

Forgot to say, endometriosis was found in the pouch of Douglas when I had an ectopic pregnancy, Dr's and gynaecologist still ignored that diagnosis.

EllaRoseX profile image

Thank you, yes I’m going to fight for it and get seen by someone else as I can’t go on like this

Michellehughes profile image

Hi. I was diagnosed with ibs. Given all the ibs treatment. Still suffering now. It’s not ibs my gp has told me to stop the treatment and has rebooked me in with another gynaecologist not till January mins. But hopefully I’m getting somewhere now as I can’t cope with the flare ups. I have a severely disabled little boy and when I have them I can’t Ben lift him or look after him. It’s making me depressed that I can’t even look after my kids. Definitely ask for a second opinion we know our bodies better than anyone else xxx

EllaRoseX profile image
EllaRoseX in reply to Michellehughes

Bless you I’m hopefully going back through now to get a second opinion

ailis95 profile image

Hi there. Sorry you’ve been treated this way! Seems like it’s all too common. Do you mind me asking which hospital you went to and who you saw? I’m waiting a referral in Bristol and concerned I’ll have the same issue. Hope you manage to get a second opinion xx

EllaRoseX profile image
EllaRoseX in reply to ailis95

I was at at michaels in Bristol with Dr o’donovan everyone raves about him so I thought it would be a smooth referral to be honest, but he seen me and straight away said more or less it’s IBS which is really frustrating as I waited so long for the appointment I took a diary of my symptoms and flare ups like Someone on hear told me to do and he wasn’t interested, everyone does say how amazing he is so hopefully you have a better experience if your down to see him waiting to get a second opinion now through my GP but it’s very frustrating when there’s very little help hope you have a different experience x

ailis95 profile image
ailis95 in reply to EllaRoseX

Urgh! Honestly it’s so frustrating and a constant battle. I’ve had endometriosis confirmed and had ablation surgery by a non specialist gynae which hasn’t helped at all - if anything all my symptoms are worse! Now trying to see anyone is a nightmare so I was considering going private with the specialist you’ve mentioned above but I think I’ll just sit it out and wait for my NHS referral at Southmead. I’m sorry you didn’t get any helpful answers, it seems the fob off answer is IBS for many of us 😞 x

EllaRoseX profile image
EllaRoseX in reply to ailis95

Very frustrating I hope southmead are helpful, I nearly went private to see him so glad I didn’t would of been a waste of money x

Lunaloves profile image

Hi I’m sorry you’ve had a rubbish time. It has taken me years to be listened too. I too was told my problems were bowel related - changed my whole diet etc still having problems. I got a referral to gastro who said that my problem was endo/gynae. Went back to gynae who still wouldn’t have it even with my gastric results in hand. He said that none of my symptoms were endo related (I am literally text book endo) anyways long story short, I had to coil put in as he said it would help if it was endo. Went back after 6 months and it hadn’t (I’m a year in now and have found it helpful). Finally pushed for a lap. Had my lap a couple of weeks ago and I have extensive endo with very large fibroids - one of which was stuck to my bowel and abdominal wall. So please please keep pushing for yourself.

Wishing you luck xx

EllaRoseX profile image
EllaRoseX in reply to Lunaloves

Thank you I am defo pushing for a second opinion and more support there just not much awareness out there and so many people struggle, it’s the pain and flares up that I think takes it’s toll I just want someone that would listen I now have to start all over again and wait to be re referred so hopefully the waiting list isn’t as long as it was before, glad you’ve found it helpful the best of luck to you xx

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