First laparoscopy tomorrow, scared, looki... - Endometriosis UK

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First laparoscopy tomorrow, scared, looking for support.

_aja profile image
14 Replies

Hey everyone, I'm having laparoscopy tomorrow to remove an endometrioma cyst on my ovary, having diagnostic/treatment for adenomyosis/endometriosis and having my low lying coil removed and replaced.

This is my first surgery for anything, I've not been worrying too much until now, I feel like crying.

I'm worried about pretty much everything, like having to wait around alone, being alone when I wake up because of covid, (I read on a NHS page about the ward I'm going into, and it said I can't use my phone in the waiting lobby?) being put to sleep scares me, and the recovery doesn't sound great, especially cos I'm turning 21 four days after my surgery and want to spend it in the park with my friends. :( (Do you think I'll be able to?)

I have a few questions, like do they use a catheter and put a breathing tube down your throat? Also I'm worried about bloating from excess gas left in, will it go away and how bad does it get? How long will it be until I can move around relatively normally with manageable pain?

(I didn't really get a chance to ask questions on my pre-op phone call and I'm too anxious to call 😅)

If anyone would be happy to share there surgery story with me or just give general support I'd be really grateful :')

Thank you guys❤️

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_aja profile image
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14 Replies
ZiggyandBC profile image

Hey lovely. I had my first laparoscopy on Friday so hopefully I can help you to put your mind at ease. I also had an endometiroma removed and endo treated. I was allowed my boyfriend to come and visit at certain times but apart from that I wasn’t allowed to see anyone else and my boyfriend wasn’t allowed to wait with me before surgery.

I was taken into a room with the anaesthetic team and nurses and had a cannula in my hand and I had a mask over my face which made me dizzy and I slowly fell to sleep. This wasn’t as scary as it sounds and the nurses are all amazing and will put you at ease. I haven’t had too much pain from excess gas but I have had pain in my

Shoulder which is normal. Moving around as much as you can helps the gas to leave your body.

My bladder didn’t work properly when I woke up so I had to have a catheter put in until it worked on itself again. I’m 2 days post op and I’m still in a lot of pain and can’t walk very far. I’m also having to inject my stomach with some medication to stop blood clots so this is something you may get too.

Please try not to worry too much, I was terrified when I went in but the nurses are amazing at what they do and will look after you really well. Any questions feel free to ask lovely xxxx

_aja profile image
_aja in reply to ZiggyandBC

Hey thanks for your reply, so your boyfriend could come in after your surgery?

ZiggyandBC profile image
ZiggyandBC in reply to _aja

Yeah we were allowed visitors but it had to be only 1 person :) xx

AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi good luck for your laparoscopy tomorrow, I was so nervous for my first surgery. I needn’t have been though, the hospital and NHS workers were amazing. I have been in for 2 operations during Covid time, so I was alone. I was allowed to remove my mask whilst sat in the bed however if I got up to the toilet I would need to put it on. Take some magazines and music with you, as it can be a long wait especially if you are to be taken to theatre in the afternoon.

When you first go in, they will go over everything with you and you will meet the surgeon and anaesthetist. You do have a tube down your throat, this was my utter fear! However, you know nothing about it, this is done when you are under anaesthetic and removed before you will know anything about it.

The NHS nurses are brilliant, tell them you feel nervous, that’s so natural. My heart rate was sky high, I was so anxious but again that is normal.

I was bloated for a few days which was manageable and had no gas at all.

As for your friends, don’t put pressure on yourself to be with them for your birthday. You have to take care of you firstly.

I could also use my phone up until the time I was to get changed into the hospital gown.

Good luck, please ask anything if you like xx

_aja profile image
_aja in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thanks a bunch, I spose I didn't remember that I'd be surrounded by nurses that deal with anxious people like me everyday!

Nicjane profile image

Hey! I'm 22 and had my lap when I was 19! If i could have one tomorrow i would😊 of course everyone is different and it all depends on what they do, how much they do it and how your body reacts and heals but the most important thing to remember rest is key! I cant say for sure if you be able to go to the park it depends on how far away, how you get there and how you feel❤ according to my nktes i had in and out catheter and a tube down my throat but tbh i didnt even know! They must have done it while i was asleep. My throat didnt hurt too bad just a bit dry so take some mints or some lollipops so oyu can get the saliva working to coat your mouth and throat since it might be dry. It took me about 4 days to work quite straight was definitely 90 degrees for 2 days but it got better😂 i wanted to be alone during my op even tho it was way before covid, because endo pain felt so personal to me i wanted to soak up every detail myself and be able to think clearly it was therapetic thinking "ok me and my body and my pain im here for myself to get myself better" everyones preferences are different and i empathise with that! Make sure your phone is charged also so you can contact people.

sleep, nap, hydrate yourself. Please take some form of entertainment book, handheld gaming console or magazine whatever you like.

Take an overnight bag i stayed overnight so pyjamas, toothbrush, face wash and cream freshening yourslef up in small ways makes you feel better, mints, peppermint oil or tea if you can for possible gas pain, i didnt have any of he gas pain but cant be too prepared. Extra pyjamas, socks, underwear, clothes but loose fitting so a dress or joggers anything thats soft with no button's i dont recommend jeans ect. Sanitary pads will also be useful and any medication you take i didnt expect to be in over night and forgot my pill. Phone charger and ofc masks and santizer.

Please keep us updated, dont push too hard i did and looking back i wish i never. And please ask questions when you are there you wont regret it i promise😊 i wish you best of luck and feel free to DM at anytime!

I hope i havent overwhelmed you with info!😊🌻❤

_aja profile image
_aja in reply to Nicjane

Thank you so much, I hope I won't need to stay in overnight, I'm going in at 11am. I also hope I won't have to wait ages 😂😭

Nicjane profile image
Nicjane in reply to _aja

You may not its always good to take a bag just to freshen up while you are there 😊 All the best and I hope you wont have a long wait, I waited 2 hours including paperwork fingers crossed for you and Happy Birthday for when the day comes I hope you have a lovely day 🥳

Hayayaya profile image
Hayayaya in reply to Nicjane

I’m 19 and due my first lap within the next few months. Just a few questions.. did your endo return? How was the pain before lap v after lap. I’m in so much pain now and 100% running on the fact that the lap will take away my pain

Nicjane profile image
Nicjane in reply to Hayayaya

Hey! 😊 My situation which I found out last week because i finally ask for my notes was that I had it on my left pelvic side wall which was completely treated but they left the pouch of Douglas endo there because I did not see a specialist so i still have pain because they left some which I hope to get sorted in the near future. Another recommendation I have is to ask for your notes. It depends on who you are seeing, how complex the endo is,. Pain doesn't equate to how severe the endo is you could have a small deposit of endo and be in horrendous pain or have loads of endo and not have much pain is all varies so much. In my mind my first lap was for a diagnosis so i can hopefully see other surgeons in the future.

Pain before my lap was straight 11/10 the main improvement after my lap was my bladder pain during my period went completely- which would make me faint so that was a great out come as well and the slight limp in my leg went away. But the sharp pain that is very deep has not changed because they did not have the expertise to take it away from that POD area. If i saw a specialist then I hope that pain will go as well and I be pain free once and for all. But don't make my mistake ask all the questions and ask what they found and exactly how they treated it so you can come up with a treatment plan. Be kind to yourself I'm sorry to hear about your pain. Sorry for my rambling I can talk about this in length its been a long 11 years but feel free to ask for anything or if you just want a friendly chat


Hayayaya profile image
Hayayaya in reply to Nicjane

Thank you so much for your advice. Will definitely take it on! Xx

Nicjane profile image
Nicjane in reply to Hayayaya

No problem best of luck I hope you find relief! keep us posted xx😊

RBS21 profile image

Hello! Hopefully you have had your lap by now and some of the anxiety is behind you! I had my first one last Friday - was also very anxious! The nurses were amazing! My experience - I definitely had a lazy bladder for a few days after. Apparently for every hr of general anaesthetic you have it takes around 24 hours to clear your system, so you will probably be feeling quite fuzzy/drowsy. Also the but I found hardest was when they gave me the oxygen mask while they put the cannula in my hand. The oxygen mask felt like a had to pull hard to breathe, which I wasn't expecting. But once you take a few breathes you can feel the oxygen levels in the air you are breathing so you don't feel short of breath if that makes sense?

In terms of after (was my first general too), I had the driest mouth! Must have drunk about 4L of water after I woke up. The keyhole wounds are a bit uncomfortable still but keep taking the pain meds and just make sure you move slowly (I felt alright until I tried to stand too quick and then I get hit with dizzy/faintness). I had an endo cyst removed and my right ovary was completely fused to my womb and surrounding tissues. They found stage 3 endo mostly concentrated around my uterial ligament - they didn't do the excision surgery on the day because there was too much inflammation and risks of damaging the tube to my bladder which is resting across the ligament. In a way frustrating but I've been told I have options for further surgery but completely depends on my symptoms after this surgery. Dr said hysterectomy was on the cards but like others have been told I am young so if I can make it to 40 (I'm 31) with manageable pain then that would be preferable. Can't say I feel ready for the park yet but maybe your friends could come and visit you? I hope you are doing ok, sending lots of love. Didn't have any visitors but a book and my phone helped to distract me xx

Kimkim profile image

Hi. Can you post an update and let us know how you did? My daughter, a few years younger than you, is having surgery in a few days and I’m a wreck.

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