My only actual regret with Endo is that I didn’t suspect it sooner and therefore, didn’t spend my early adult life suppressing the disease! You don’t need a diagnosis, just a suspicion and you can treat yourself! A diagnosis changes nothing!
Here’s an interesting link for those who have undergone unsuccessful laps!
So, you get diagnosed by lap, and oops, you’re now Stage 4, because for some reason you never had kids, and well, you took the pill maybe, or maybe not, while having a period... Now you’re at complex surgery, and within a few months you start to realise you ain’t better... Then you realise, not only are you not better but you’re actually worse... That pain that once went up your back, now goes down both your legs... Now you can’t walk, suffering chronic constipation, unrelenting pain, can’t eat, insomnia, depression.... Oh so familiar!
My Endo is back right?
Possibly, maybe, probably not as bad... 9/10 it isn’t Endo, it adhesions!
For anyone aged between 17-30 who suspects Endo, please try conservative treatment first.... Surgery isn’t a cure!