Disciplinary at work for being off sick - Endometriosis UK

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Disciplinary at work for being off sick

Xroisinellenx profile image
15 Replies


I need some advice I have a disciplinary tomorrow at work with my manager for my absence levels he is a very “you should be at work even if your dying” type.

Like the type if you rang saying you had been in a car crash and on the way to hospital he would say but your still coming to work type 😂

I have had two days off this year I had one in February one in April both for migraines, which r linked to my cycles which is then linked to my endo I need so advise on how to make him understand how what’s going on with my endo is what’s causing the migraines.

Any advice would be wonderful. Thanks

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Xroisinellenx profile image
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15 Replies
Moon_maiden profile image


You need to try and delay this so you can plan a bit more. When did they say about having the meeting?

Moon_maiden profile image

They can’t just arrange a disciplinary meeting, way more to it these days especially with potential disability and discrimination. There is some good info on Endo UK site for the workplace that you can print off. Two days is nothing really especially when genuine. They have a duty of care. They can’t take that attitude anymore. Do you have an HR department, even if not on site? You are entitled to have a union rep or colleague with you and need time to arrange this. Your contract or company policies should mention about how procedures take place and Managers have to be very careful as by law they can be held responsible these days.

Xroisinellenx profile image
Xroisinellenx in reply to Moon_maiden

I got given the letter about the meeting on Tuesday and it’s not till 2 o’clock tomorrow so they have given me plenty of time I just need something to make him understand x

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Xroisinellenx

Two days isn’t enough to organise anything. You have every reason to ask for a postponement at this stage. I’d never have dreamt of giving such short notice unless they were in agreement.Is this a first meeting or subsequent from others?

What does the letter say?

Xroisinellenx profile image
Xroisinellenx in reply to Moon_maiden

The letter says they r inviting me for a disciplinary meeting to discuss my level of absence. It says that I can take someone with me but they can’t speak.

I work in a supermarket so my note taker will be another college last time I was luck that my manger then understood and said I will be your note taker and another manager will do the meeting.

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Xroisinellenx

I still think two days is too quick. If you are able to in the morning give ACAS a call. It’s a government organisation to help with employment advice, mainly for employees. It’s a free service.Are you part of a union? If so ask their advice as well, they need to know what’s happening.

The work info on endo UK will be helpful at the meeting and gives them an insight into what you are dealing with and that they have to make certain allowances, maybe certain days of the month different or lighter duties. If the meeting is tomorrow maybe try making it a two way conversation so you bring as much info about Endo as you can to show the condition is difficult to deal with, print off the NHS top twenty painful conditions and circle endo at #15. It beats cancer so highlight this as well. It shows it’s real and you want to work, it just gets difficult.

Show them NICE guidelines, it sort of shows what a specialist disease it is, with emphasis on that it’s a disease at any opportunity you can.

That’s all I can think of at this stage.

Let us know how you get on, ACAS are brilliant for advice.

Do take someone with you to take notes and just be a witness. If you think he is bullying you tell them that you need to postpone it as his behaviour isn’t tolerable. You aren’t there to be persecuted or made an example of.

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Xroisinellenx

How did you get on?

Xroisinellenx profile image
Xroisinellenx in reply to Moon_maiden


They did not give me a warning today because they understand it all seem to link with my endo which is lucky.

They said they r going to send it to occupational health to see what they say and get them to look into it and see what they say the company should expect from me and how much absence I should have when having this condition.

He did say I’m not fulfilling my contact which is bit shit seeing as two of my absence he mentioned were both from planned operation.

I have worked all through a pandemic apart from 2months when I had a operation other then that from March last year and now I have had two days sickness. But it’s their game I guess 🤷‍♀️.

Thanks for asking xx

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Xroisinellenx

That’s a good result, roughly ignore the snotty comment, they can’t say about about helping with one hand and taking with the other, just a cheap shot.They seem to want to do everything properly.

Let us know how it goes 🙂

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Xroisinellenx

From experience never ever go into a meeting on your own. The bosses always have back up, you need it too. Moon Maiden is so right in what she says, they have to do things properly otherwise they leave themselves wide open 🤨

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to AllthatGlitters

Definitely agree with back up. As HR I was the one taking notes, with CEO or manager taking the meeting.

666zoe profile image

I had this issue in one of my jobs my female boss said “she was understanding” but wasn’t. Whist working there it was confirmed I had endo it got worse and worse till I was having periods every 2 weeks day 1 and 2 left me cuddled up on the floor wish I was dead which meant 4+ days a month off work!!

My period started on shift once I was in tears I was in so much pain my boss said I quote “ you will finish your shift you won’t be going home it’s a period take some painkillers and get over it”

It’s discrimination yes you have an illness BUT as debilitating as it is it’s not recognised as a disability!!

I quit that job was forced to leave went onto another job I was by this time on morphine for periods my period started at work I was unable to handle the pain and my boss told me to take the morphine and was MADE to continue on shift on it.

I was off my face....., after that I quit that job.

I then with great difficulty had our first child and had another straight after and now use the coil...., my current employer is aware I have endo but haven’t had any time off at the moment the coil and I are getting along BUT I think it would 100% be another none under standing employer!!

Sadly people don’t want to hire people who have time off as we are all replaceable as I was told!! :-(

Rjb_88 profile image

I’m a HR Manager so happy to give some advice if you’d like to message me.

Employers are bound by the ACAS code and as they have given you two days notice, they have met this. They do need to give you dispensation as you have a chronic long term condition and so are covered under the disability discrimination act - I’d imagine that they have a policy with triggers and two absences mean a disciplinary meeting and they are following that without really thinking about the reality.

I would print off some info on endo, ask them for a referral to an occupational health provider and ask your doctor / consultant for a letter explaining the condition and the affect it has on day to day life. I’d also take a colleague in with you and if you haven’t been able to find someone as yet then they are meant to postpone until you have been able to.

They cannot dismiss you for two instances of absence - regardless of their policy any action has to be proportionate and meet the standards of reasonableness so hopefully that reassures you a little. Plus, as you are covered under the disability act, they need to demonstrate that they’ve made every effort to offer reasonable adjustments that can help support you to work etc.

Frodo344 profile image

My Mum works in a Supermarket and is constantly being pulled into the office for disciplinary’s due to sickness. It was causing her a lot of stress and anxiety on top of dealing with bad health. She went to her GP and asked for a letter detailing her health condition and took that with her. They are much more understanding now and make adjustments at work to make it more comfortable for her. So my best advice is to ask your doctor to write a letter detailing how Endometriosis effects you. They will then be forced to take you seriously and make adjustments in making work better for you.

Vixen725 profile image
Vixen725 in reply to Frodo344

I agree with this. Can you please speak with your doctor's office to ask for a letter? Can you bring information about medications that you are taking and any side effects from those medications? This is why I don't work for anyone. I need to be able to go to the doctor when I want and take a nap in the middle of the day when I want. Having a job is way too stressful. If you could take some time to learn a trade and become a contractor so that you can work when you want to that would be great. I will keep you in my thoughts and will pray for you! You will make it through this!!

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