Positives about laparoscopy : Hi my... - Endometriosis UK

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Positives about laparoscopy

Rae2020 profile image
22 Replies

Hi my daughter is having a laparoscopy this Friday for ovarian cysts but a lot of the posts mention worse symptoms afterwards and regret having it done! Are there any positives. I am worried this is unnecessary since she doesn’t have a lot of pain daily.

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Rae2020 profile image
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22 Replies

Hi Rae,I actually had two laparoscopies, and I'm glad I had them! :)

The first one, I had a trip to the A&E, and it was suspected that I might have had appendicitis. So, they did the laparoscopy, prepared to remove the appendix if needed. But, it turned out that my appendix was fine, and I had a ruptured endometrioma. They gave me a "wash out", and as I healed over the next few days, I did feel a bit sore from the incision points, but the nausea and pain in my abdomen reduced. The surgeon who looked after me was trying to treat emergencies, so I found out after the fact that this was completely different from a diagnostic laparoscopy to identify the extent of endometriosis. But - I then had a clue - they had found an endometrioma had ruptured, so I suspected there was something about endometriosis there.

The second one, I had two trips to the A&E for pain, and a very kind gynaecologist consultant put me on the waiting list for day surgery for a diagnostic laparoscopy and to treat some endometriosis if they could. When I woke up, the consultant told me the stage of endometriosis that I have (stage IV for me). Information is so helpful! During that visit they were able to give me a "wash out" (again the nausea & dizziness went away immediately) and removed some of the adhesions. The other adhesions were too complicated to address on the day, so they kindly put me on a waiting list for an MRI scan and then follow up with a multi-discipline team to consider the MRI results & then make a plan to treat it surgically later on.

So, yes, a laparoscopy does take time to heal up from afterwards, but I have now been granted information specific to me, and that's what I wanted. With this, I can make informed choices. I read that some adhesions form because of the presence of endometriosis. I suspect that although some adhesions can potentially form following surgery, mine were in place for quite a long time from the endometriosis.

I'm pretty keen on the idea of removing as much surgically as possible, and backing that up before and after the surgery with hormonal treatment to slow the endometriosis as much as possible. In my mind, this may help me to reduce the number of surgeries I may need before I reach menopause (maybe I'll even be able to coast on just one more all the way there because I'm 40 already). I'm also curious about potentially beneficial supplements, but that's a whole different topic!

Good luck!

Rae2020 profile image
Rae2020 in reply to

Thanks for that. I suppose we are a bit in the dark at the moment and it will be good to know the extent but was a little concerned about making things worse.

Heloo85 profile image

Cysts, unfortunately, need to be removed! They can grow pretty large if left! They can rupture which can cause infections! They can cause a torsion which can result in serious consequences!

Yes, a lot of people don’t get positive results from a lap, but a lot do!

If the cyst won’t resolve, it needs removing! If she’s not having too much pain now, it’s likely she won’t have any afterwards! It’s people who have been in a high amount of pain, daily, ignored for years, who are the ones that a lap is less likely to have positive results in! Xx

Rae2020 profile image
Rae2020 in reply to Heloo85

That’s encouraging. If it has to be done then at least we don’t really have any option . Thanks

Heloo85 profile image
Heloo85 in reply to Rae2020

It’s unfortunate, that this is a place to let loose on how rough we’re feeling! For people who are suffering! The ones that are doing well, being managed, had a lap with no reoccurrence are getting on with life, hence why these places seem negative! But be sure, there’s very many who have a blip in life, a quick lap, go on to make a full recovery!

The fact they have offered your daughter surgery must mean that in their opinion she needs it! I would trust the Drs and have faith!

I hope she recovers fast! Best of luck xx

Rae2020 profile image
Rae2020 in reply to Heloo85

Thank you for your encouragement.

Drivinganywhere profile image


I had a lap to remove a 12cm endometrioma and a Fallopian tube in November and don’t regret it at all. I was in a lot of pain, to the point most days I appeared grey and struggled to walk. I had the cyst and Fallopian tube removed (the tube was full of disease), my one ovary was repaired and the other couldn’t be removed because it’s stuck to my bowel by adhesions. I am so glad I had the lap, it has reduced the pain immensely and I now know there isn’t any risk of the cyst bursting. The only thing I found is that I didn’t recover as quickly from this one as the last, I’m still left feeling really tired a lot! Hope this helps.

Rae2020 profile image
Rae2020 in reply to Drivinganywhere

Hope you start to feel back to normal soon.

Sophia92 profile image

Hello Rae, I had a laparoscopy for an ovarian cyst 10 years ago when I was 18. I was completely fine, my mum is a nurse and thought it sensible for me to have the laparoscopy, the surgery is minimally invasive and really quite safe and the cyst can burst and cause internal bleeding at any time so in my eyes it’s worth it even if she doesn’t have pain. I also didn’t have any pain before the the surgery just heavy periods. I hope it goes well, keep us updated.

Scuba28 profile image

I've had 4 laps for chocolate cysts and always felt better afterwards. I didn't have constant daily pain but on my bad days it was awful so surgery always helped. I had a cyst rupture once which then caused infection and had me in hospital for 5 days. Much safer to get the lap done x

greenleaf1997 profile image

Hi Rae,

I had a laparoscopy 2 weeks ago also to remove an ovarian cyst and any endometriosis they could find and it was the best decision.

Obviously the recovery stage during the first few days is awful but they will dose her up with pain killers etc. It’s now exactly 2 weeks and my scars have almost healed and I’m walking around as usual (but still avoiding carrying heavy things etc though to be on the safe side).

The gyno can guess if she has endometriosis or not but they don’t always show up on MRI / ultrasound scans so a laparoscopy is the best way to properly diagnose it.


TennisAM profile image

I wouldn't worry, if the person is a specialist, it should be fine. Remember people don't normally come on here to praise, they come on because they need to vent or have had a problem. So you're seeing an unbalanced picture. I had a Surgery to remove endo a few years ago and it changed my life.

Rae2020 profile image
Rae2020 in reply to TennisAM

Thanks, that's good to hear.

wanwood profile image

Honesty, they would not be offering a lap unless it was a) medically necessary and b) likely to make your daughter’s life better rather than worse.

Yes, surgery takes some time to recover from, but if she’s not in pain now she’ll probably have a good recovery.

I had two laps and am very pleased I did. No regrets whatsoever.

Endos profile image

I had two before a total hysterectomy and both were fine, please tell her not to worry. You are slightly sore from the cuts but that heals quickly. Where they fill the stomach full of air can be slightly uncomfortable for a few days so make sure you have lots of peppermint tea to hand. She will be all good x

becca_bee profile image

I had a laparoscopy back in September for ovarian cysts, endometriosis and fibroids. I was in a lot of pain before and one of the cysts had ruptured in April putting me in hospital. It’s only been 6 months but I feel a million times better and like I’ve got my life back. I don’t know what the future holds but just having the last 6 months without pain it’s been worth it. Good luck to her x

5ddd profile image
5ddd in reply to becca_bee

I had a laproscopy about 10 days ago and they found the same e things you mentioned one me. I’m wondering what treatments you were put on? They told me previously that I had pcos. I’m just wondering if my life will always revolve around birth control.

becca_bee profile image
becca_bee in reply to 5ddd

Hi, because I’m trying for a baby they’ve not put me on anything. I think if that’s successful likelihood is I’d go straight onto contraception afterwards. I’m not in much pain now so it’s ok not being on anything. I’ve recently given up gluten to try and help reduce overall inflammation and so far that seems to be helping too.

5ddd profile image
5ddd in reply to becca_bee

Thank you. I’m looking into dairy and gluten removals as well, slowly but surely. I’m not trying to conceive, but ive read that it’s best to start trying after a laproscopy, since everything is all cleared out. I’ve been married for 9 years and I started birth control after 2, now we are thinking of maybe trying based on what we hear, but Ya never know. I wish nothing but good things for you. Thank you.

becca_bee profile image
becca_bee in reply to 5ddd

Thank you. You too xx

5ddd profile image

I had a laparoscopic surgery 10 days ago. I’m still healing, but after the 4th or 5th day I stopped all pain medication and was able to do most things. I needed help with showering and daily house chores, but now 8-9 days later I can do some light things that don’t involve heavy lifting. If I wouldn’t have had the laproscopy I wouldn’t have now that I had 4 dermoid cysts, 2 on each ovary. They were pretty big. They found some endometriosis and two fibroids. I didn’t know I had all that and although I have more questions than answers, I know and saw what I have. The younger you are at getting a laparoscopic surgery, the faster healing. You can get another medical opinion, I was scared at first, but it was so smooth and fast for me.

No-one1 profile image

Hi. I had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy to remove endometriosis and fibroids on the 1st of Feb. I was scared but I’m feeling completely fine now and so happy to not have all that pain and bleeding every couple of weeks. It can take a few weeks to recover strength and mobility but there wasn’t much pain from the surgery and now I’m back to normal activities and out running again several times a week. The only symptoms I have now are I think because of the coil they put in. I’m 46 so hopefully your daughter would heal much faster than me.

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