Do external ultrasound scans (and those who interpret them) often miss early gynaecological cancers and endometriosis?
The gynae doc (not oncology or endo expert) who read my scan said 100% not ovarian cancer.
How can she be so sure???
I’m sure there are people on here who have been misdiagnosed. Or just not diagnosed.
Btw when asked directly, she said possibly could be endo but because of my age (52 but still having periods) they wouldn’t do anything if it was that.
She said it isn’t normal to have pelvic cramp daily but couldn’t say what it was only that it wasn’t OC (not sure she should claim 100% certainty on that).
No further forward.
She also said not to repeat ca125 which has been 58, 65 and 48 respectively.
GP seems to be leaving it at this.
I also thought because bladder is close to uterus that there was a connection because cramps seem stronger after passing urine and lying down.
Anyone have any ideas?
I’ve to hand in urine sample but it’s not an infection I’ve had since February.