how long for an appointment?: I've just... - Endometriosis UK

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how long for an appointment?

sugarplumfairy20 profile image

I've just been told ive got to wait 6 months to see a gynaecologist ?! If not then I have to pay for private treatment. As ive only just been diagnosed with suspected endometriosis should I wait for the NHS gyno or go private if I ask for financial support from my parents. I am only 20 years old but I don't want to leave it too late as I don't know how severe I am right now. Any help or replies would be really appreciated.

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sugarplumfairy20 profile image
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16 Replies
Catnesss profile image


Sounds similar to my situation, have you had an ultrasound or anything? X

sugarplumfairy20 profile image
sugarplumfairy20 in reply to Catnesss

Yeah had an internal ultrasound on wednesday and phones the gp today to get referred.

Afrohair profile image

Please remember private care can no longer be paid on credit you will have to pay outright x

sugarplumfairy20 profile image
sugarplumfairy20 in reply to Afrohair

my mum works in the private sector so i’m aware of this. thank you though

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to sugarplumfairy20

Ok last quote I got for a lap is 5,500 for non severe endo you can pay up to 12,500

I'm still waiting for a repeat scan, that was supposed to happen in June... Long & boring story.

I think we're all in the same boat my love. 😔

If going private is an option for you then I'd go for it, but be aware, unless you see an endo specialist, not just a regular gynaecologist, then they may not listen or really know much about endo - so research specialists local to you & go from there.

Best wishes xx

Andiepand profile image

You are very lucky, waiting list for just an appointment with gyn was 14 months in N. IRELAND, had no choice but to pay private. It's a joke

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to Andiepand

It really is a joke.

sugarplumfairy20 profile image
sugarplumfairy20 in reply to Andiepand

Oh wow! I’m so sorry to hear that 😔

in reply to Andiepand

I’m in N Ireland too, I was referred back to gynae August 2019, phoned last week to get a rough time and told at least another 17 months. Absolute disgrace

Niahn profile image

So sorry to hear this. Waits where I am is shorter (3ish months) but I’ve heard that the waiting list for laps is 2+ years 😔

sjh_1980 profile image

Same issues where I am. Covid has not helped but even before the virus I waited 6 months to see a consultant after initial diagnosis and a further 9 months from seeing him to getting a lap treatment. That was a couple of years ago. I am waiting for more treatment now and really having to chase. Considered going private (to see same consultant!) but they are currently not taking on new patients during the pandemic

TennisAM profile image

Hi, sorry to hear this and yes the wait is so frustrating.

If you don't go private here's a bit of advice. Have they sent you for an ultrasound? Have your GP surgery tried anything to help you thus far? Such as put you on a combined contraceptive pill, progesterone only pill or the mirena coil? If you go for the pill it can be taken back to back for 3 months (if monthly doesn't work). One of these might help reduce your symptoms. Tranexamic acid is best for heavy bleeding but there is also mefanamic acid too (this is both a painkiller and helps with reducing bleeding). I think mefanamic acid is probably only suitable for moderate pain though.

Non-steroidal Anti Inflammatory drugs are generally considered to be the best pain relief (but they don't work for everyone), you can ask for mefanamic acid or something like naproxen. These can only be taken up to 7 days in a row so will need something different if you have daily pain. Insist each symptom is covered so you can have as good a quality of life as possible.

Personally if I were you I would pay for a private appt with an endometriosis specialist near you. Important to make sure they are an endo specialist and not a general gynaecologist. Hopefilly you have one BSGE endometriosis centre nearby. Pick a consultant that has great reviews (there's many sites online such as I want great care where hopefully they've been reviewed). People on this forum can privately recommend if you post asking about centres near you. They are not allowed to comment publicly. There's a site called BSGE endometriosis centre where you can see which hospitals near you have a endometriosis specialist centre.

Once you've had your private appt and advice ask the consultant to transfer you to their NHS list. A lot of people on here have done the same. Everything else will be dealt with via the NHS. Explain that you only went private because of the wait and desperation.

Depending on what's going on internally there are some natural things that might help. Send me a private message if you want the details. We are not allowed to post links to other websites publicly.

Hope you get some help soon. Xx

sugarplumfairy20 profile image

Hi, I had an emergency internalultrasound when i went for my 3rd a&e visit and that’s when they found i had suspected endo and polyps. for the past 3 years i’ve been on 3 different combined/ progesterone pills and i am now on the depot injection but that hasn’t help (if anything feels worse)

Thank you for your help, i’ll send a pm now x

Lofty1589 profile image

Hi lovely. As someone who was in a similar boat pre-Covid, the best you can do is keep calling up the gynae department asking for timeframes and being open to getting cancellations. When we’re young, they aren’t inclined to rush with us. I was 19 when I was finally referred to gynae and a lot of the time I was told there were women older than me who needed to be seen - which is awful. But yes, the best advice I can offer is push push push because it’s easy for people to say go private but it costs a lot and if you have suspected endo, insurance companies won’t cover you xx

foreverliving profile image

I got my referral to Gynae in March and wasn’t ‘seen’ until August 14th and that was a telephone appointment. I was then referred for a laproscopy & I have been waiting since August 14th and still haven’t heard anything. They sent me some mefanamic acid which didn’t work & some other bits without even looking at me.

Told me due to my BMI that I’m severely obese (I do a lot of weight lifting so it’s muscle) and that I should lose weight.

I was 17 (now 18), it’s been horrendous and I’m not getting anything from anyone.

Private isn’t an option as I haven’t got the money being a student too :(

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