Where do you feel ovary pain?: This might... - Endometriosis UK

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Where do you feel ovary pain?

Dinky26 profile image
27 Replies

This might sound like a silly question but I've been having awful left sided pain just above my pubic bone daily for months now. If I touch the left side of my pubic bone it is there (this part actually went numb to the touch for a couple of days when it first started) the pain also goes down the inside of my left thigh and actually through the muscles that join on to your pubic bone from your thigh. The crease of my leg is constantly throbbing. I know I have 2 cysts on my left ovary, one being a confirmed chocolate cyst inside the ovary at 2cm and the other being either a hemorrhagic or chocolate cyst at 6cm. My gynaecologist said they cant cause pain that low down but has said the ovary needs removing anyway! I'm seeing a neurologist aswel tomorrow as I've been having twitching all over my body but mainly hips down (this started after a decapeptyl injection but apparently this isn't a side effect) and also tingling all over my body which started the same time all this groin/inner thigh pain did. I was diagnosed with endo in 2009 via laparoscopy.

I do also feel pain higher up where I imagine the actual ovary is if I press on it, but the lower pain around my pubic bone and further down onto the left side of my perinium and inner thigh is constant no matter if I'm pressing on it or not.

So my question is, where do you ladies feel your ovary pain? Thank you.

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Dinky26 profile image
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27 Replies
AnjaRose profile image

I’m 4 weeks post excision now and had endo on my ovary and it was stuck to something. ( can’t remember what -I was groggy when Doctor showed my photos and haven’t yet had my post op)

I also had endo in pouch of Douglas and uterosacral ligaments - myGP believes this explains my leg and hip pain as a a nerve runs through there. I take nortriptyline for it but currently not working!

The pain you described I have had for years and hip leg pain is daily for me even now sadly. Xx

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to AnjaRose

So sorry to hear that you are still in daily pain :( isn't it exhausting being in pain all day everyday? I have only had one op back in 2009 which showed I had quite severe endo,one ovary was stuck to my womb and the other to my bowel and they also removed it from 2 other places now but I forget it was So long ago. I've had the monthly burning of the thighs but this pain is completely different and relentless! Does your gp think you have endo on your nerve?

Boxclever1 profile image

My ovary pain is higher - level with the hip bone. But my consultant told me that you often get referred pain with ovaries, which is frequently groin or legs. He likened it to when men are kicked in the goolies - after the initial pain, the pain actually is felt in the legs.

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to Boxclever1

Thank you that's good to know that your gyne says it can be related! It makes sense that if you have cysts they could either be on top of below your ovary therefore putting pressure on different things depending on where they are! So say I have the 6cm cyst on the bottom of my ovary then it could be pressing ok ligaments in my groin area? I don't know :( just wonder why my gyne says it's impossible as it just makes you panic about what is causing the pain, it's such a awful pain I've never felt before and never eases up.

When I press on my actual ovary id say mine is just a bit lower than hip bone level but not by much

Lily1986 profile image


I’m so sorry for trouble you are also having with this horrible diseases

The pain you are experiencing is exactly the same as what I have too.

I have stage 4 endometriosis which I have had 4 operations, the last excision taking 6 hours where they removed both tubes and left ovary. It has obliterated my bowel, ligaments, ureters, pouch of Douglas and left me with bladder issues and nerve damage.

Further surgery will be total hysterectomy, lifetime hrt and a colostomy bag and likely cause “more harm than good”.

After each surgery it returns within a matter of months, worse each time than before.

Anyway enough about me haha I believe you are correct in where you think your ovary to be located.

The pain you are experiencing could either be from nerve damage caused by disease and/ or surgery. Or it could be from your ovary being stuck.

I’d be very interested to hear what your neurologist says as I’ve been getting this intermittent twitching in both legs and numbness too which lasts for days at a time. Tingling in toes and a tremor in my left arm.

I take pregabalin for nerve pain but can’t say it’s helped very much so just waiting for pain management consultation.

Best wishes to you xxx

Lily1986 profile image
Lily1986 in reply to Lily1986

Where my remaining ovary is I get a strong wave of pain about level with my belly button which travels straight downwards and gets extremely sharp and knife like.

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to Lily1986

Oh wow in sorry for what you are/have been going through all those surgeries sound awful! Do you think you will go for the next surgery? Will the colostomy bag be for life? That is so life-changing and unfair :(

I also have stage 4. Was only diagnosed by diagnostic lap back in 09 for unexplained infertility, they unstuck my ovaries and removed some from other places aswel but I never got reffered to a endo specialist or anything like that. I'm thinking I need to be really with all this pain i need a mri scan.

Well I went for my appointment. He doesn't think I have any nerve damage (but he only checked arms and legs not around my groin where I told him numerous times all my pain is) but the reason I got sent to him was for all the twitching I've been getting. He did all the usual Neuro exams like reflexes, walking in straight lines etc and said he doesn't think anything is wrong but has ordered a brain and full spine mri and also some nerve and muscle tests. He also took some bloods and sent me for a pelvis xray as he thinks my pain is muscularskeletal. He didn't really comment on the twitching as it didn't happen when i was there but all day after my thumb has been twitching like mad! And now my feet and toes are firing off lol sods law!

I too am on pregabalin. The gp put me on it when my toes on both feet just suddenly started twitching and moving on there own at the end of August when all my twitching first started off. And it has calmed my toes down alot! It was after the pregabalin that I noticed tremors I'm my hands and that but I also know they can be a side effect of the drug, did your tingling and tremors start after you started taking it? I get really intense tingling down my arms and in the palms of my hands from pregabalin and it doesn't really help my pain either. I just take it to stop my toes twitching constantly it seems to slow them down.

Music1 profile image

Exactly the same place and almost same symptoms. I was diagnosed Endo stage 4 maybe 8+ years ago. I had a chocolate cyst on both ovaries, and hemorrhagic cyst on left side which has ruptured maybe 4 times now. I know, as the pain each time has been debilitating and twice put me in hospital as it was so bad and I didn't know what it was. I also feel a heaviness in my thighs and pain down my left thigh/ leg as well. It's always been the left side and also, left lower back for me. I had my baby 15 months ago after surgeries, mc and maybe 7+ years of trying. Since my spinal injection for my c-section I've been left with chronic back pain and pins and needles. My GP surgery doesn't believe me and says it's not possible. I don't have a regular GP as they only have locums there, and whatever they say, my practice manager says "no" go back to your private consultant if that's what they say. Totally useless. Always been and still is left pain. I know maybe a week before my period due to the pain, although my periods are never and have never been regular each month. Best wishes x

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to Music1

My doctors don't seem to believe me either even though at times I've been suicidal from the pain, in tears down the phone to them! They just fob you off with painkillers. It makes you feel really alone doesn't it? Almost like they can't see the pain so it's not real.

Congratulations on the baby! I also tried for 8 years for my 1st child and didn't fall pregnant until after my diagnostic lap for unexplained infertility back in 09 when they removed all the endo they could.

Does your left sided pain and left leg pain go away for a few weeks then or is it always there and just intensifies when your period is due?

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to Dinky26

Thanks for congrats. We were incredibly lucky. To be honest, I'd say most days if not all days I have constant pain in my left side - usually side, and back which makes me wonder if it's my kidney which could be affected. It intensifies maybe 7-10 days BEFORE my period so I know it's coming and then it's crippling during my period especially 1st day of my period. I've been in so much pain some days at work I've been sent to A&E. My private consultant prescribed me Tramadol (which works within half an hour). My GP did prescribe me Tramadol (but only said she would give me 60 instead of 100 in the pack as she accused me of selling them). I couldn't believe it. So far I've had 60 in 2 months and I had a call from the surgery saying 'they would no longer prescribe as I was taking too many'. 60 in 2 months was 1 a day. I had a 20min conversation with them about how often, when and 1 or 2 every 4 hours when the pain was so bad and I was in tears at work etc. She just said 'they are addictive so we won't prescribe any more'. I don't know what I'll do. I already know 1 friend with Endo that got so bad that she took maybe 3-5 days off a month as the pain was so bad and she got sacked. They gave her no sympathy and took the p*** on those days she was off. I wonder how long I will last in the job without painkillers that work :(

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to Music1

That is awful that they won't give you the pain relief you need! I would put a complaint in that is just not on :( and to accuse you of selling them aswel! Gps make my blood boil some of them couldn't care less aslong as they have spoke to you and can get paid at the end of the week! I sometimes wish I could pass my pain over too if only for a little while and saying see you try and cope with that 24/7! Have you tried zapain? I'm on those and they help dull it but could take it away completely for you. Sorry about your friend, I too struggled to work through the first 2 days of my period but luckily I'm not working now, but I need this pain to go away asap now so I can find myself a new job. If it wasn't every single hour of every single day then I'd be looking now.

-I have ovary pain right now in fact I am day 8 usually lasts 10 days I feel the pain on the left just up from my pubic bone level with my hip bone. I felt so ill the last couple of days like I am going to pass out the pain is that bad. I have had this pain since I was 15 I am now 48 and on Depo Provera but I still get the pain every few months./

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to

Awww sorry you have had this pain for so long! That is a long time! Are there any pain killers that work for you or atleast take the edge off? Hope it's over for you soon.

in reply to Dinky26

No pain killers don’t work unless I want to be drugged up to the eyeballs on the drugs

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to

They don't really help me either. I take zapain at night for the drowsy effect to help me sleep and I take pregabalin twice a day to try and control all over body twitching that has developed with this 24/7 left sided groin pain. What works best for me around my periods is plain old heat patches.

in reply to Dinky26

Luckily I don’t get periods being on Depo Provera but no one can tell me why my ovary keeps flaring up. I am day 11 of pain now and totally fed up. My breasts are also hurting now along with back and hip pain. If the pain hasn’t subsided by Monday I will bite the bullet and ring my GP.

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to

My breasts always hurt 2 weeks before my period starts. Right now they are terrible they make me feel like crying! Hormones going haywire! Sorry to hear you've been in pain hope your feeling better now?

in reply to Dinky26

Hi fortunately the ovary pain subsided but lasted 14 days and the breast pain has now gone but today I have been having period cramps. Haven’t got a clue what is going on shouldn’t be getting any of this being on Depo Provera.

Lofty1589 profile image

I’m so sorry you’re struggling. This is the pain that I have and I’m so glad to have found someone else! If it was the right side, drs would immediately look into it but because it’s the left and “there’s nothing there” I always get fobbed off with the possible UTI spiel. Do you find that sometimes the pain is like a stabbing pain on the left of your pelvis that throbs down into your thigh?

I finally have my appointment in 3 weeks’ time and plan on asking for another lap (my diagnostic lap last June was done by a general gynae and I think they missed endo on my left side) but want to try and explain my pain correctly so everything is covered

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to Lofty1589

Have you been reffered to a endo specislist now? I too am seeing a general gyne and if I wasn't already on the surgery list I think id cancel and ask for refferal to one of those it sounds like you get looked after alot better! I've never been offered a mri by a general gyne have you?

My pain is defo throbbing, the worst of it is in the crease of my leg but it throbs down into my inner thigh and up the left side of my pubic area to just above my pubic bone. It's like it goes through the muscles that attach to your pubic bone from the leg only it feels deeper like if I ripped those muscles out the pain would be underneath. It's so hard to describe! I'm currently laid in bed on my right side and the left side of my pelvis has a throbbing stretching pain.

I understand how you feel it is so nice to find other people out there who also have the same pains. Not nice that other people are suffering but it's good to find someone who understands. I don't personally know anyone who suffers from endo and my family think I'm putting all the pain on because they can't see it so don't believe it. They just tell me to get on with things and make jokes of it but it's not that easy when it feels like someone is literally chain sawing up the crease of your leg whilst crushing your ovary as hard as they can! Every step I take hurts it feels like thatleg weighs a ton and I have to swing it round whilst walking lol.

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Dinky26

My current consultant is BSGE accredited so thankfully I’m in good hands. My lap last year was meant to be done by my ex-consultant who had a specialist interest but they didn’t tell me until after that it was done by someone else. I had an MRI back in April last year and that helped diagnose my Adenomyosis and polycystic ovaries.

That is literally the pain I experience constantly. It’s horrible, isn’t it. Sometimes I struggle sitting down because of it but then I also struggle standing for long periods of time 🙃

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to Lofty1589

Snap! Mine seems worse sitting down but it eases off a tiny bit when I lay flat or stand up straight. I can t have my closed tightly together for long either it feels like something's being strangled in the crease of my leg. So can't wait for this to be over!

I see a lot of women going for mri scans with there endo, I wonder why I've never been reffered?

Does your pain sometimes spread into the crease of the other leg too? Mine does but not very often. I'd say twice a month or so.

I also have polycystic ovaries. Great being a woman isn't it lol. It's good that you are with a specialist centre! I think I'll push to go to one after I've had my op. My gyne originally wanted to take my womb out aswel, she said my uterus was hard and fixed but no way do i want to go through menopause at 34. My family keep saying if you was in that much pain you would just go for it! Yeah right, easy for them to say I'm looking at the long term health risks but they just see it as me liking to moan about being in pain!

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Dinky26

As a 21yr old who is dealing with induced menopause, I wouldn’t recommend it unless you think removing your uterus will give you a better quality of life. X

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to Lofty1589

I had a shot of decapeptyl in August to put me into temp menopause to see if it would help with the leg pain. It didn't so don't think a hysterectomy would help me anyway. I didn't really get any side effects until my body starter twitching and that's unbearable and really worrying! Wow 21 is young! Are you thinking about having a hysterectomy? X

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Dinky26

I want to try and carry a child but I’ve not even had a relationship yet so it’s not an option for me at the moment. I’m pretty much just stuck in a rut now x

Dinky26 profile image
Dinky26 in reply to Lofty1589

Awww bless you :( I've had endo quite bad since I started my periods at 13. Took me years to fall pregnant with my 1st and that wasn't until after my first lap aged 24. Was struggling with my 2nd child too but fell pregnant right before my 2nd op was due! Hopefully you've got plenty of time left for that anyway. Endo did effect my fertility and had to go through loads of tests and fertility drugs but we got there in the end and I'm sure when the time is right for you then you will too :)

Thompson36 profile image

I have this same pain and have had it for nearly two years now 😢. I had a full hysterectomy 18 months ago due to endo, he suspected the ovary was stuck even though I explained my symptoms exactly as you have. I suspect it’s deeper infiltrating endo but trying to get someone to listen to me or consider it has been a nightmare. Trying the GP again Monday for an urgent referral to a credited endo centre 😥

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