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Endometriosis UK

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Manxgirl25 profile image
10 Replies

Hi I am new to this and have never really had anyone who understands anything about endometriosis that I can talk to. I am not for the UK but we are part of the British Isles so there is not that many people to talk to about it (apart from my partner but he can’t help as much as he want to as he does not know what I am going through) as it a small place and a lot of people have not even heard about it.

It took me 2 years after I had my son to get diagnose with it and that was in 2019 . I am only young so when trying to get to this point a lot of Doctor, the hospital or other people just through I was pregnant again which made me upset. After being diagnosed they never really explain it properly to me and I was shove to one side and just told to take meds that don’t work for me and has had to deal with it in my own way as they don’t seem to bother.

I hope that now that I have stubble across this group that I can talk to people that understand what I am going through.

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Manxgirl25 profile image
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10 Replies
Endom27 profile image

I know how you feel I had bad symptoms since I started my period when I was 14, they dismissed it and put me on the pill. When i decided to come off the pill at 25 to have a family the symptoms got 10 times worse. I kept going to the doctors but they just said to lose weight to help with symptoms. Im almost 28 and just had a laparoscopy to to find I have Endo. Its been a long journey but I still feel like I have unanswered questions. They only gave me the option of going back on the pill or pain medication 😞 doctors are useless. Alot of them just care about their pay cheques and nothing else. I woukd just keep pestering them ! 😊

Manxgirl25 profile image
Manxgirl25 in reply to Endom27

I am sorry to hear that you had to go through that and it still going through it now. Its horrible how they make you feel not person so have to go through it. :,(

I got worse and started noticing stuff more after having my Son at 18 I am now 22 but even when I was pregnant I kept complaining about the pain that I was in and they just put it down to the baby being so big.

I would keep pressing but on the island the only 2 hospitals are not properly equipped or educated (regardless of what our government say they are not) nor is the Doctors and it can sometimes take up to two months to get an appointment with my doctor otherwise I have to see someone else and they just don’t get it at all and I the moment you can only get a doctor if they think it’s bad enough to see one.

They would never recommend me to someone in the UK that might be and if they did I was have to see to all the transport to get off the island. I really am at a dead end on this island :(

Endom27 profile image
Endom27 in reply to Manxgirl25

Is there anyway you can move off the island? It sounds like they dont have the budget for highly qualified doctors so they get 'doctors' in that can do the basics. I really feel for you hun 😞 I think the only way youll get proper support is if you get off the island x

Manxgirl25 profile image
Manxgirl25 in reply to Endom27

No not really because my son would not benefit off island as he is the third generation he would not have the same benefit as me and because I am not with his father there is a court order in place for him to see him.

As well I would have no where to go as all my family is over here I do have my partners but they would not be able to take us all in even if we could go over there and not a lot of money either plus as well I would not know if I could cope living in the UK as it completely different way of living to where I am from :(

The government needs to stop spending money of stuff not need and spend it on the healthcare instead of closing wards and all down the hospital over here can’t cope I have even on the waiting list for something different with the hospital for just over 2 years people are getting fed up :(

I am so fed up sometime that I don’t want to get out of bed but no matter how much pain I am in I always get up for my son he is what gets me through this till now i have something else to help its so nice to be able to speak to people who get what I am going through I know that I am not alone :)

Endom27 profile image
Endom27 in reply to Manxgirl25

I feel so bad for you :( i just hope you get the help you need as this is such a horrible condition. You should be so proud though for pushing yourself even when you dont want to ❤ xx

Manxgirl25 profile image
Manxgirl25 in reply to Endom27

I hope so I love my home but I hate what the Government are doing to it :( And I will do anything for my little boy to make sure he is looked after and has everything he needs ♥️ xx

lucikam profile image
lucikam in reply to Manxgirl25

Hi! I am also living in the Isle of Man, and have the same kind of problem like you, but I am older than you (not really it matters)

Manxgirl25 profile image
Manxgirl25 in reply to lucikam

Please to meet you :) and I am sorry to hear that :( I am guessing like me you have been to pushed to one side to by the hospital and doctors as they can’t help you or just take paracetamol or you sure your not pregnant :(

lucikam profile image
lucikam in reply to Manxgirl25

I still do not have proper diagnosis. I just have a pelvic ultrasound, which came back clear. How did they diagnose you? Do you have a proper diagnosis? I have this pain before the period while I am on the period and after the period and pain in the whole month like around ovulation, I have some pain free days. Do you happen to think towards the pelvic inflammatory disease? What kind of examinations did you exactly? Nice to meet you here :)

Manxgirl25 profile image
Manxgirl25 in reply to lucikam

I demand to have the keyhole surgery because everything came back clear just like you but I new that there was something wrong. They tried to put me off having it by putting me on the pill but I give up on that because every time they put me on it it never worked.

I was only meant to be in surgery for 30 mins but my family said that I was in for almost 4 hours and even after that they just said that I had it they removed some your and signed off for a week but I ended up going back to my doctor and getting signed off longer then after that I seen them again they said that everything went well there is no really help apart from having surgery all the time or having kids but they don’t recommend that and that I am sign back over to my doctor and that’s where they left me.

They did not even tell me how to clean my stitchers or if I could get them wet they were useless 😭😭😭 x

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