Sorry for the very long post but I am feeling completely overwhelmed and frustrated!
For the last 9 months I have developed severe pelvic pain to the point of being unable to move or talk, i'm sick and nearly passing out. Then sore for a couple of days (but more managable) and sometimes get fever. This used to happen at different points in my cycle but the last few times it tends to happen during/just before or after my period.
The first (out of hours appointment) Dr i have seen was really really rude, and kept suggesting that I just need to go to the sex clinic to be tested for an STD (same partner for 7 years). He checked my copper coil but deemed that it was fine, and discharged me. Swabbed me for BV (had to take it home as they didn't have a fridge?) but failed to give me any paperwork so when my GP practice sent it off to the lab it was rejected.
I decided (after much persuasion) to go back to my gp surgery. My dr was a bit more understanding and referred me for an ultrasound. This showed 1 cyst, 4cm, on the right ovary (hemorrhagic). The next steps were to just keep ordering ultrasounds every 6 weeks or so and ignoring that i am in pain for the time being.
In December the pain has hit worse than before and I actually got a bit nervous so went to out of hours and I was admitted to the Gynae ward. Turns out my coil was dislodged and had to be taken out immediately, and my bloods showed infection so I was also treated for pelvic inflammatory disease with antibiotics. Gave me codeine for the pain. They have also sent off my bloodwork for CA125 and I was assured someone would be in touch with the results. The plan now is to follow up with a consultant as the pain might be caused by suspected Endometriosis.
The ultrasound I had at the hospital showed that my right ovary cyst is still there, just over 4cm, and now i have another 4cm (also hemorrhagic) on my left.
My consultant appointment is booked for the end of March.
I have not heard anything from the hospital in relation to bloodwork -after 2 weeks I have called the number given as was assured someone would call me back, but of course they haven't.
Last week I have put in a request at my GP surgery to investigate and let me know (4.5 weeks after the blood test). My GP (very lovely and helpful) advised that my CA 125 came back high (over 210) and would write a letter to request that my consultant sees me sooner than March. This was at the start of the week, and of course I have not heard anything since.
I feel like every step has been an absolute battle and I honestly feel like nobody gives a damn. I have a full time job which i love and i've never missed a day of work until these episodes of pain, i honestly feel like my life is falling apart.
Obviously the high CA125 now makes me a little nervous about cancer too, and i'm so frustrated that I will probably have to wait until end of march for a 15 minute discussion with a consultant that probably won't resolve anything anyway.