Just wondering. Having had severe endometriosis since I was 17 and I’m now 48 I've suffered very many kinds of nasty allergies over the years, does anyone else have chronic allergies too? I’m talking allergies to cosmetics, shampoos, perfumes, essential oils, skin rashes, rosacea, contact dermatitis.....even hotel bed sheets when travelling, cats, dust. Is there a connection? Is this because endo is an auto immune disease. I can’t even use normal washing powders, put my head on a feather pillow or experiment with any beauty products. Experiences and opinions welcome. Nina. ❤️
Endometriosis and various allergies - Endometriosis UK
Endometriosis and various allergies

I have super sensitive skin now and suffer rosacea since having endo, I also have nasal issues... nose always blocks up and my gp said it’s due allergies. The rosacea is horrible as the redness is always there and I’ve tried every rosacea product going and nothing takes the redness away. I did read there’s a link between endo and rosacea and allergies.
Really fed up of it all x
Hi, I have found that I am really sensitive to things in the air (perfumes or any sprays) I too have nasal issues, starting to think I should get shares in a tissue company 😂. When I’m due on im more sensitive and this can be to things I normally take. Last winter I came up in hives/welts because of my medication that I normally take. It’s hard, but I try to write it all in my endo diary as it took me forever to realise the link and the pattern. Plus it gave me more evidence when I saw my gp.
Iv had a water softener put in my house so that showering doesn’t make me worse, I use ecoeggs for washing laundry in. Trying not to sounding like I’m crazy, but I have three quilted pillow protectors on my pillows so that my face doesn’t go blotchy.
Try everything and anything that might help and when you find something- stick to it, it’s rubbish but you have to find ways to cope. Good luck xx
I don't have any skin sensitivities, but I do have chronic nose and sinus problems due to a bad allergy to dust which has been confirmed by an immunologist. I can't do feather pillows or cats either. I also have seasonal allergies to grass, pollen, etc (hayfever) and asthma.
Yes, it’s rubbish, on top of endo most of us seem to be dealing with other linked conditions. For rosacea I’ve found taking a strong gut probiotic daily, available from Holland and Barrett, helps, and I take an organic beauty oil from Viridian (organic clear skin, the one in the green bottle) it tastes like engine oil but I just gulp it down neat! I’ve found this to be amazing and my skincare routine has gone right back to basics, nothing other then Dermalogica ultra calming cleanser, no toners, no scrubs, no moisturiser. Make up minimal. I’ve also found it useful to buy silk pillow cases to put over your pillow protectors, washed in whatever you’re not allergic to. They pack easily but don’t always fit hotel pillows! I don’t suffer from hay fever thankfully, but I’m told taking a spoonful of local honey made near your house can help some. And my Dad puts a dollop of Vaseline near his nose to trap air particles! All this sounds a bit crazy but whatever helps!