I have stage 3/4 endo. And gyne wants to ... - Endometriosis UK
I have stage 3/4 endo. And gyne wants to put mesh sling in to as bladder causes me to leak I think it's a bad idea any thoughts please.

Hi I hope you are well wow that sounds painful and I'm sure you are in enough pain as it is if you are not happy with having it done then don't has he/she explained exactly how it works and how you will benefit from it ? X
Yeah I think your right I have to listen to my gut. I asked him if I was on the right pill for endo and he shrugged his shoulders says it all really
Can you not ask to be referred to a different specialist I'm sorry but I would not be happy if mime wasn't answering my questions and listening to what I had to say ggrr it makes me so mad when specialists and gps just shrug things off or fob you off with a load of crap you know your body and you know that it doesn't sound like a good idea sorry for the rant lol I really hope you get someone who will listen to you xx
I've never heard a good thing about any of these mesh implants.
just don't see the sense in putting somthing else in that the endo can attach to and cause more pain. He seems to know nothing and endo and I am scared of getting pushed into it and it destroying what life I have.
According to the independent NICE reccomends against them for prolapse due to high side effect levels, it quotes 40% but says that the devices can still be used to treat stress-urinary incontinence (SUI) and to repair hernias. It would worry me.
Trust your instinct and dont have a treatment if you are uncomfortable with it and dont be pushed into anything you don't feel is right for you.
If more data comes to light you can always change your mind later once you have explored all other avenues or if your condition worsens.
Are there any other options on the table? Medication? Pelvic floor physio?
Could you perhaps get a second opinion from a highly regarded bsge endo perspective ?
I don't even know if such a person exists here but will ask. Thank you for the information it just feels wrong to me. At this moment I don't plan on going true it. I haven't even had a proper feedback on the lap I had as he told me while still dozzy from the op. I am on a list for Physio which I am going to give go.
Why not manage your incontenance by medication? Like Toviaz?? Is that the reason he wants to put a mesh in?? Suggest you do your homework and get a second opinion.
Thank you. I think your right more research is needed I would prefer meds and physio as the though of another op just makes me cry.
If you don’t need it, don’t have it. It’s your body. If you have Endo pain or if it is prominent ask to be put on Zoladex to assist in the symptoms. The incontinance can be managed via meds and physio. I too suffered from it, but recently I had a catheter put in, seems to have fixed me, but I am at home recovering so might be as I have ready access to a loo!! I hope you are ok and get the care you need. As others said, follow your gut!
Thanks for the reply. All I get for pain is co codamol and my blanket and best friend the heat pack lol. Had the catheter in this week so they could fill me with water make me cough and record the leeks all so they have proof that I am suffering. There has to be a change on how we are all treated it's awful. I hope you feel better soon so not fair that Endo takes over our lives. I so hope yoy feel better soon x
Ask to be put on Zoladex and go to a BGSE Center. Ask to be referred. Or go see them privately and then get them to put you back through the NHS. Google BGSE centres - they are specialists for endometriosis
Thank you I have never heard of zoladex or BGSE centers. Will need to look them up and make another gp appointment
Hell no, do not let anyone put mesh in you. I have been in virtual hell since 2010 when mesh was implanted abdominally for a rectal prolapse!
Check out the high profile cases first?