Endometriosis UK are looking to recruit some more support group leaders to either start new groups or help to lead existing groups. Do you live in the Newcastle/Teeside area, in Aberdeen or Bedfordshire? Do you have a few hours each month to run a support group? We would love to hear from you.For further information have a look at our website endometriosis-uk.org/become....
Support Group Leaders: Endometriosis UK are... - Endometriosis UK
Support Group Leaders

How about starting a Brighton-specific support group? There is a south coast support group but the meetings are always too far for me to go.
I agree I’m from Brighton and feel quite isolated x
Hello Holleymuzz. I'm sorry you are feeling isolated. You may want to try ringing our helpline which is staffed by volunteers with endometriosis themselves, the opening times are on our website endometriosis-uk.org/helpline. Or you could join one of our online support group meetings, which are held over Skype endometriosis-uk.org/online....
Lynne - Endometriosis UK
Hello Catness. I'm sorry to hear that the Sussex Support Group meetings are too far away for you to attend. We don't have any plans at the moment to start another group so close to the existing one on the South Coast as there are parts of the country where we have no groups at all. We do have an Online support Group that holds meetings over Skype, further details about this group are on our website endometriosis-uk.org/online.... We also have a Helpline staffed by volunteers who all have experience of endometriosis themselves, the opening times are on the website endometriosis-uk.org/helpline.
Is there any groups in macclesfield
Hello Alarna. We don't currently have a Support group in the Macclesfield area, you can find details of all our groups on the website endometriosis-uk.org/find-l....
Lynne - Endometriosis UK
Thank u for that but need one in macc as won't go to fare
Thank u for that but need one in macc as won't go to fare