3 trips to 3 different hospitals in 3 days. - Endometriosis UK

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3 trips to 3 different hospitals in 3 days.

2 Replies

Morning Ladies...

So, 12 months ago I was rushed to hospital unexpectedly in uncontrollable pain. I hadn’t had a period for 7 months.. I’ve always had irregular periods since I was 11. I was referred to a gynae, who carried out many bloods tests, internal and ultrasound scans and everything came back clear. I was prescribed the mini pill and I’ve now been on that 12 months.. I was given this for pain relief and I believed due to not having any pain for the last 12 months and periods had stopped after sept 2017 it had worked effectively. However...

A fortnight ago, I began experiencing a constant dull ache in my lower abdomen which gradually progressed into the same excruciating pain I’d had 12 months prior. I went to my gp, who covered all basis.. was I pregnant? No. Was I constipated? No.. the same night I was rushed to hospital, pain controlled via morphine, observed for a while and then discharged. No real reason for the pain.. so, the following day I took it easy, it was a Saturday, by the afternoon I’d had another ambulance phoned for me due to the pain coming back with a vengeance, again controlled with morphine, observed and then discharged. Sunday afternoon/ evening, yet another ambulance trip, and then admitted overnight for observation. controlled with morphine; had another internal and ultrasound scan.. apart from a small cyst on each ovary nothing was found to account for the pain I had experienced. I was again, discharged..

I am so frustrated that I have no answers for the cause of this pain..

I have not been diagnosed with endometriosis or pcos however they have been mentioned. I’m currently waiting to see my gynae again, I’m unbelievably disappointed that after taking the pill for 12 months this has happened again.

Can anyone relate at all?

Sigh! Xx

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2 Replies
Puttingonaface profile image

I can relate to the pain and also having clear ultra sounds but having researched endo more it does not show up on ultra sound and the only way to diagnose is a lap. I have finally got a lap date after waiting nearly 6 months so when you see gynee you really need to push for a lap (mine took some convincing as he said he's sure its endo without looking!) I would also keep a written record of diary symptoms and cycle.

in reply to Puttingonaface

Hiya, thanks for you reply. Yes I’m also aware that endo isn’t picked up on scans however my gynae doesn’t want to give me a lap :(

I do keep a diary, but cannot pin point what’s causing the pain.

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