Prostap/Lutrate - Please help - feeling f... - Endometriosis UK

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Prostap/Lutrate - Please help - feeling frustrated and torn.

Missy100 profile image
2 Replies

Please help.

I have PCOS and was diagnosed years ago. I was referred to gynaecology due to a group of symptoms I have been having and my family history to explore the possibility of Endometriosis. Gynaecologist has refused a laparoscopy due to my weight and will not discuss my symptoms with me. Instead has offered me Prostrap which they provided a pamphlet for and told me it will cause a couple side effects like night sweats and heat flashes but will stop my periods and if it is Endometriosis my symptoms will disappear. He was unwilling to discuss it further other than as to whether I want it or not.

This is far from what I have read and I am now very torn what to do. My GP has prescribed me medication to help with pain (and it does help to take the edge of the pain off, and sometimes even almost pain free), but of course this does not help any other symptoms.

I take the Prostap needle (3 month dose) or refuse it? I have an appointment coming up for to give my answer and either take the needle or not. It is a last option being offered.

Any experiences/point of views very welcome, please.

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2 Replies
Boodie profile image

Hi there I do t have endo but I am on prostap 1 mo th injections for heavy prolonged bleeding. I was on it last year for 3 months and had night sweats, a very sore breast for a while but it stopped the bleeding. I'm now back on it as I'm bleeding and it didn't stop. Thankfully it has now I'm on the injections. After 6 no the the gyne wants to put me on cerrazette which I'm dubious about but will try. At this stage I can't move to any other option as I want conceive but it will be through ivf. Eventually if the bleeding doesn't stop I will need a hysterectomy in the future. The prostap puts you into temporary menopause but there is a risk your fertility may not return and it should say this in the leaflet! Have you tried any hormone therapy like the mini or combi pill? Has yoyr gyne not discussed any other options? I had 2 laps in 2016 and im pretty weighty . I know the rusk in surgery is higher if you gave a high bmi but i would ask them to explain the reasons afain to why they wont do a lap for you. Can i ask what symptoms u have? I was diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease and suffer long lasting effects xx

Missy100 profile image
Missy100 in reply to Boodie

Hi Boodie, thank you for your reply. Sorry for the length of this reply - a lot of symptoms!

They were unwilling to discuss anything with me, really. He was all se too discharge me as doe and dusted despite not getting to the bottom of anything, insinuating that by agreeing with my previous diagnosis of PCOS this somehow completed anything he could do for me since he refused a lap. He would not discuss my other symptoms at all and still has not let me fully explain my pain either.

Symptoms include the following. I apologise ahead of time for the more graphic bits:

Pelvic pain, cramping that normal over the counter pain medications do not help, lower back pain that prevents me from functioning or sleeping until my GP prescribed me Mefenamic Acid and Tramadol (which still do not always allow me to sleep but has made a big impact compared to before with no prescription pain medication). These pains started just during my period, then started getting leading up to and trailing after - now I seem to get the pain, along with other PCOS symptoms, quite frequently, even when my period doesn't follow. The pain sometimes radiates into my hips and down the front of my thighs.

Very random, unregulated periods, which also fall in line with PCOS. I can get my period and 2 weeks later have it again. Or I could go 3 months without one. I sometimes still suffer all the symptoms as if I am going to get it but I don't actually bleed. Periods can fairly typical or really heavy with bleeding through tampon and pad in short times, along with a lot of clotting.

Bowel movements are more often than not painful, often going back and forth between constipation and diarrhoea, but not always. Diet doesn't seem to affect this. I usually have very bad diarrhoea leading up t and through part of my period. I often bleed with bowel movements now, which is bright red blood, sometimes with small clots, most commonly the day before my period and the day it starts. Bloating and gas and flatulence.

Penetration can be very painful, and other times uncomfortable, to the point that it is often in the forefront of my mind every time I think of sex now. I do, however, have a very supportive partner who is very willing to work around this, or even just refrain from sexual contact at all if it is what I feel I need. Even using tampons during my period can be painful to the point I have to steel myself to use them. But, I have the curse of skin that seems to react to everything, including my period. When I don't use a tampon, even for a day, my privates usually become irritated, swollen and raw from contact with the blood/discharge.

My most recent pap smear was so painful it was all I could do not to scream and kick the consultant in reaction. I was in agony for about 3 days after.

Infertility (also PCOS related).

Spotting between periods, that do not develop into a period. Just enough to be a nuisance.

Lack of energy - I tire very quickly to the point of exhaustion.

Severe depression, which has been treated on and off through my life since hitting puberty.

Pressing and frequent need to urinate during and around my period.

Freezing cold hands a lot of the time - to the point I have to warm my hands before I touch my partner as he equates it to touching him with a cold drink.

More recently, which may or may not be related as they can be hormonally related:

Bad acne on and around my nose, particularly with and around my period. I am just about to turn 41 and never had an issue with acne ever before.

multiple mouth ulcers that seem to come in waves and then all disappear. I use to get the odd one, as far back as I can remember, but these are frequent and often several at a time.

A clear odourless discharge that basically gives me the 'wet' sensation as if I have peed myself a little, or gotten my period (of which neither has occurred).

I have started getting really frequent heart burn and indigestion. I use to get bad heartburn but learned what foods to avoid to stop this. Now, it doesn't seem to be triggered by any particular food or drink.

Excessively bad mood swings around period, far worse than I use to get.

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