Had anyone had these done at the same time? the surgeon has said this is more risky and a more major undertaking than a HyCoSy. If anyone has had these done I would really appreciate your feed back thank you xx
Hysteroscopy & laparoscopy & dye test. - Endometriosis UK
Hysteroscopy & laparoscopy & dye test.

Hi. I had my second hysteroscopy with ablation and laparoscopy last Thursday. Not sure what dye test is though. Same recovery as when I had my laparoscopy three years ago and first ablation 6 months ago (that did not work so was redone different procedure). Only pain is from the gas in the shoulders and gastric and little bit of soreness from wound sites. I hope this helps and the info you are looking for. Sorry can not advise on dye test xx
Thank you so much for the reply 😊. I have had a lapascropy before and I was in so much pain from the gas. Because I am having a few things done I've been really worried I'm going to be in so much pain but I know it needs doing. How long would you say I would need to be off work? An how are you feeling now? I've been diagnosed with intramural fibroids and a thick endrometrium and doctor thinks I also have endrometriosis which he said he will also remove if it's at stages 1 and 2. What have you been diagnosed with if you don't mind me asking? xx
Hi Kerry, I had a hysteroscopy and laparoscopy at the same time (not the dye test though) for the removal of endometriosis. My consultant never mentioned it was more risky doing the two and I think my recovery time was fairly standard. Seems to make sense to do them together. I had three incisions and a friend who had something similar at the same time only had two - I think that was more to do with the position of my endo though rather than the procedure.
Good luck with everything x
Hi Kerry
I had a hysteroscopy and Laporoscopy and dye test included last friday 22nd Sep. I live in Germany but I'm a Brit and talk about things here as English is easier to communicate in. I have found that its a slow recovery although I have been told the surgery is normal and not as evasive as it could be without using this keyhole method and the recovery time is 2 weeks to get back to normal and a month to do all as usual including sports and intercourse. I dont know about you but the dye test is to see if the flow is normal in your Fallopian tubes and for me this is because of Fertility issues and improving the chances to concieve. I also had a small cyst removed and an adhesion out. I do think it depends what was done in your op and that determines the recovery period. I had the result of my op given to me the same day and a written report also. I am now due to go to a post op appointment with my gynea doctor tomorrow and I will have two stitches removed. Other than that the ability to move less during the first five days and tiredness that prevented me from going out the house. I dont know if this helps or you just wanted to share.
Get well soon x
I had them done at the same time. I think it's having a general anaesthetic that makes the risk rather than anything else, because a hycosy can be done without the general.
The hycosy will only really tell you about your tubes and maybe the shape of your womb, but you'll recover pretty much immediately, maybe a few cramps but not too much both.
A lap should check all your insides for endometriosis which can prevent pregnancy. Mild endo might be treated as well. The recovery period will depend to some extent on what they do once they go in, but I'd say expect to feel poorly afterwards for a couple of weeks whilst the incisions heal- laparoscopy means keyhole surgery so you'll have a scar in your belly button and probably two other little scars afterward. With all general anaesthetic you need someone with you for 48 hours afterward and can't drive or sign legal documents etc. You'll need at least a week off work.
I hope this explanation helps.