Hi I am new to the forum and I am seeking a little bit of advice. After years of suffering with painful periods and being told it was normal, I went back to the doctor after getting severe pain with exercise, he conducted a pelvic exam and found that I have swelling and is aware from previous scans I have an ovarian cyst, my pelvic exam hurt like hell and he has referred me to a rapid access clinic with gynacologist does anyone have any advice of what they might do on My first appointment? My doctor has mentioned endo to me does anyone else get the pain with exercise mainly running? Just really want to know what this is!
Advice Please : Hi :) I am new to the forum... - Endometriosis UK
Advice Please

Hi there everyone is different but when I was younger the pain was bad but not as bad as what it is now I can't do exercise a slight jog sit ups or anything it could well be endo mine all started with really bad period pains and now its everyday. Just hopefully your gynae will help you and tell you what it is and give you the treatment you need. Sorry I can't help on your appointment question it was long ago when I got my 1st appointment I can't remember. Keep us informed and take care xx
Thanks for the reply! It's like when I exercise i get really bad period cramp and it irritates my bowels and bowel movements I also have a horrific periods and pains in my ovaries when I sneeze and wee sometimes hope I get an answer of what this is! Thank you xx
Hi Hun, is the pain in your pelvis when running? If so, I also get this especially when running on concrete which cripples me so I've resorted to just not running now and doing other exercises like hot yoga and weight lifting. I have always associated this pain with my endometriosis, if that is any help. Xx
Yes but I even get this when on the treadmill... not sure if I have endometriosis but it does sound like it im waiting to have injection for 3 months to temporarily stop my ovaries to work out if it is endo xx
I haven't had the lap they offered me it but wanted me to try the coil first for suspected endo. I get pain on the treadmill or any high Intensity workout for that matter and it also affects my bowels I need the loo after the workout which goes alongside the pain. The pain is more of an intense period cramp. Since getting the coil I have exercised a little bit but haven't pushed myself to see if it's any better ! X