3 hot water bottles trying to ease the pain from my stomachs that's going into my back!
How do you all manage your pain? - Endometriosis UK
How do you all manage your pain?
That's so familiar I really feel for you im the same I'm currently on prostap injections to help with pain and to shrink endo before operatingbut not touching the pain. I drink peppermint tea and make cup night before then drink it cold in morning to help with inflammation. I have bath in Epsom salts. I get the reviving epsom in large bag I have found them the best. Sell them all over boots supermarkets homebargins best 2.50 large bag. I just lie and soak. Sometimes it's been 3 in morning and I'm lay in bath in agony but really does help with my pain we are all different. Hi also buy the self adhesive heat pads sstivk them on outer side of my knickers when out and about manly at work for bad days. Again homebatgins or pound shop for quid for 2 use them lots times each week so not spending fortune but i feel them help. I do 12 hour shorts and still warm when i finish hope this helps goid luck