So I had my cysts removed in January 2017 but I am.currwntly sat in hospital with the same sort of pain that I had when I first got dignosed back in 2016 but not as painful but enough pain to make me worrie that it has already come back.
Can cysts come back quickly after having ... - Endometriosis UK
Can cysts come back quickly after having them removed?

Have you had any hormone treatment since they were removed?
Mine came back between November 15 and March 16 - I wasn't taking any hormone treatment because Cerazette hadn't agreed with me and they came back xxx
What is your cyst pain like and how big were they, I'm convinced my pain is cyst related but have been told numerous times that cysts don't cause pain. I'm fed up. Hope you get sorted quickly xxx
They cause pain if they're big enough. My 10cm endometrioma definitely caused me pain!
Same... My 7 cm endometrioma is causing me all sort of pains and it's definitely true that they cause pains! I have pains all on the side of the cyst: thigh (front and inner thigh pain), hip, buttock, stabbing pains inside vagina/womb on the cyst-side; general ovary pain on the same cyst side too! So ignore what they say about no pain with large cyst. It depends on how large it is. When it was of 4 cm it wasn't painful really.
I hope you feel better now..x
Hi. How have you got on? Hope you have been given pain relief to make you comfortable. What type of cyst did you have removed? I've only knowledgable of chocolate cyst ( can never spell their correct name!) but the specialist at the bsgc centre said everyone is different but they can be forming again with in 2/3 weeks of removing or couuld take months/ year or more so it's possible and push for an ultrasound.
Ktsb I'm sorry you've been told cyst don't hurt because they really do! I cope well with pain ( smiled my way through a 54 hour labour with nothing more than paracetamol - ended in emergency c section but that's another story).
My cyst pain floors me, I'm currently in hospital again having collapsed at home on Thursday and being rushed in by ambulance. they think it's slow leaking ( again!). The pain I get is usually sharp and is too the right of my belly, it's worse than a period pain, I get a horrible pain in my hip and back as if it's being drilled ( we call it the gremlins) which only morphine helps with, it can run down my thighs to. I sometimes get muscle spasms over my tummy to. I had one 6 cm cyst back in September which was drained ( its location is difficult) in October I had an MRI to show it hadn't grown but two small ones had set up camp on the left. I kept feeling a lot of pressure when I bent down to put shoes etc on so press ganged the consultant ( wasn't hard they had seriously messed up in sept) for a scan whilst we waited for consultation at bsgc centre and they found I now had a fourth at 4cm and the original was back to 6cm. Roll on three weeks and a scan on fri shows 10cm, 6cm and the left ones are 4/5. trust me they really hurt.
If you think you have them repeatedly pester your gp for an ultrasound as a starting point don't be fobbed off you know your body and how it's feeling.
Good luck to you both. Xx
Thanks, been up and down with them for years but much of the pain I have is similar, lower back and intensely into hips, shooting pain in thighs and continual increasingly aching pain in appendix area (not appendicitis). Can't bend over today cos pain is pants but just trekking on with my day. Feel like an old woman.
As pain gets worse it is absolutely excruciating and I can't even put weight on my leg, end up crawling around. Back to consultant next week, will ask for another ultrasound.
Hope you get you're all sorted soon, thanks for the reassurance, sometimes I think I'm going bonkers. Best wishes
Mine came back within 6 weeks. Gp said they couldn't have, then felt them! Scan confirmed it.
For me the cyst pain was worse than endo pain most of the time. See your gp and request a scan, at least then you'll know and can push for more input x
Hi. your not going bonkers it's a very real pain. Hope you get sorted and really push for a scan.
I might be able to go home today till Liverpool can fit my op in, I'm under strict instructions to behave - I'm very active and find this beyond frustrating!!
Good luck. Xx
Hi. Yes got home last night thanks with a ridiculous amount of pain relief and strict instructions not to put any pressure on or near my middle! Not practical I can't put my own socks on! Hope your ok. Xx