Hysterectomy option: HI ladies, I am after... - Endometriosis UK

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Hysterectomy option

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
23 Replies

HI ladies, I am after some advice please. Has anyone had a hysterectomy with ovaries taken away too please? I want to know how people felt afterwards and if they think it was worth having?

Thanks in advance

Lou X

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23 Replies

Hello Loui, it really depends on why you are having such major surgery! Can you say?

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
Tinkerjack1912 in reply to

It's been recommended for the endo pain as I've had my children now, also I suffer with fibromyalgia so you never know it may help with some pain from that too. X

in reply to Tinkerjack1912

have you gone through the "Mill" on meds to alleviate your pain, injections, Mirena, prostap? a Total hysterectomy is harsh on a young woman and will induce early menopause which can be just as debilitating.. Talk about it in detail with your surgeon before you go ahead, weigh up pro,s and cons and make your decision from that..6-8+ weeks recovery, loss of libido, mood swings, hot flushes, sweats, weight gain, your profile makes you look a slim lady, the recovery could also affect your fibro different illnesses do not solve fibro its a pain on its own really.. if you want to know about any of the alternatives to a hyst. come back to me, I recently retired as a gynae theatre nurse . Known on the network as Nurse Gladys Emanuel (open all hours)

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
Tinkerjack1912 in reply to

Thank-you your very kind. X

Daydreamer profile image
Daydreamer in reply to Tinkerjack1912

I too am in the same position as you, I'm 28 with 2 children, my family is complete. I have tried everything possible too kill the pains but nothing is working it's just ge ting worse! I've had 2 laparoscopies too burn away the growths but I have too many adhesions and my endo is so severe it's getting out of control, I also have fibromyalgia so the two together are unbarable. I just don't know what too do for the best 🙁. Xxx

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
Tinkerjack1912 in reply to Daydreamer

Hi , I fully understand I am 38 though so a lot older and I know they don't like doing hysterectomy's on younger people of child bearing age. I think it depends on your individual situation and your gyne team. If you ever want a chat feel free to inbox me. Xx

Tracey1972 profile image

Hi I had one in 2007 it was the best thing I ever done but I still have my ovaries for now as they were ok but they keep an eye on them as mum died of ovarian cancer so keep good eye on them how but I wouldn't have changed my mind changed my life big time and if do it again good lt was sore after and. I had a infection but once that healed it was all good never look back I've got 3 lovely children and I got bad health so I couldn't cope with any more so in a way it helped me as well good luck with it if ur having it done X

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
Tinkerjack1912 in reply to Tracey1972

Thank-you Tracey. I also have another health condition which got worse after my last baby. I also suffer with hyperemisis in pregnancy which is really horrible too. I am happy with my babies. The hysterectomy has many pros. Xx

Hi I had a hysterectomy and I now have worse pain than before. I would make sure of the different options available to you and make sure you have all the diagnostics before you go ahead such as MRI or CT or TVUS scan. Xxx

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
Tinkerjack1912 in reply to

Thanks Claire, I have had and tried everything. This was recommended by my gyne team which suprised me but its something I've always considered. Xx

JeanOsborne profile image

Hi Lou. I had this done in March alongside excision. I'm better than I was before op so don't regret it. Unfortunately it looks like some endo was missed as pain has returned although not as bad.

If you decide to go for the op make sure they excise all endo at the same time . Good luck.

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
Tinkerjack1912 in reply to JeanOsborne

Thank-you Jean. I hope they sort you out soon. Xx

JeanOsborne profile image
JeanOsborne in reply to Tinkerjack1912

I'm having to get a second opinion as consultant is refusing to help.

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
Tinkerjack1912 in reply to JeanOsborne

I'm sorry to hear that. Don't give up keep fighting. Xx

Marcia71 profile image

I had total hysterectomy and ovaries removed in Feb 2015 mainly as had adenomyosis- that's when endo has affected the uterus - do you have this? As I was told hyster only cure for that.

My endo was left behind so I'm in worse pain than before but the lack of heavy periods every month means i'm still glad I had it done.

Just need to get gynae to remove endo now - finally seeing BSGE clinic so hopeful this may happen

Head over to the hysterectomy associations website for loads of help and advice on hyster.

Best of luck

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
Tinkerjack1912 in reply to Marcia71

Thanks Marcia, I will take a look. X

SHAZZAPIE profile image

Hi, I'd say really try everything else and think very carefully first. I had total hysterectomy in June 2014 due to a frozen pelvis cus of endo. Though I had to I'm no better, worse in fact cus of groin nerve pain and menopause plus the endo. Back under the knife in October for possible excision. I'd say get a good gynae dtr who will help you make informed choices.

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
Tinkerjack1912 in reply to SHAZZAPIE

Thank-you Shazzapie, I have spent years considering a hysterectomy at some point, now it's here I'm just looking for opinions and not surprisingly it affects everyone differently. My cousin has had one recently and she is doing fine but it's nice to talk to others too. Xx

Bombina profile image

I went to see Mr Trehan who is the leading endo specialist in the uk and his advice for me was to never ever have your ovaries removed if having hysterectomy no matter what anyone says.

Tinkerjack1912 profile image
Tinkerjack1912 in reply to Bombina

Hi Bombina, that's interesting. Did he say why? The reason they are looking at taking mine out is because that is where my pain is and endo is always found. When I have an ultrasound they can never find my left ovary they have to do internal and really push and shove around which just makes the pain worse. X

Bombina profile image
Bombina in reply to Tinkerjack1912

I guess if you need it out that's what you'll have to do but he would excise all the endo from the ovaries and around them then remove the whole peritoneal layer which is where endo comes from so it doesn't come back. He said removing the womb is ok especially if you have adenosis but to never remove your ovaries. He said it would be like having your menopause all in one go

Tinkerjack1912 profile image

Hi Lindle, I have spent a long time thinking about a hysterectomy but was previously told by an old GP that I wouldn't be offered it. I was quite shocked when it was advised. I have spoken with my gynaecologist in depth (it was recommended by a different gynaecologist, as mine was off sick at my last op) and I know where my heart lays. I have considered pros and cons, talked it through with my family. I was just wondering how others who have had it done felt afterwards. Reading statistics is easy but speaking to others who have been through it, that's real too. If that makes sense. Xx

Tinkerjack1912 profile image

I understand what your saying but like I have said I am wondering others experiences and considering I suffer with endo and that's why this surgery has ultimately been suggested then here is a good place to start. I will look into the hysterectomy group as it can not hurt asking there either.

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