Hi everyone, for the past 2 weeks iv literally stayed in my pjs eaither laying on the sofa or in bed. I just have no energy to get up, get dressed and go out. I'm tired all of the time and when I have gone out im that worn out and in pain id rather not go out. I feel like people think I'm just being lazy but honestly I feel like everything is hard work, also I get recurrent urine infections that lead to kidney infections the week of my period which is the stage I'm at now. I need to sort out my work because there not answering my emails or calls they won't give me a SSP1 form so I need to contact citizens advice but I feel so run down and feel it takes so much energy just to do this. I'm also in my last year of uni needing to do a 10,000 word dissertation I honestly don't know how I'm going to do it I really am stuck. I'm only 22 and most my days are spend in my pjs, when I do need to go out I panic and try get out of it. Can anyone relate to this? I feel so alone at the moment. X
Feel alone : Hi everyone, for the past... - Endometriosis UK
Feel alone

Totally relate to you on this one. I'm in full time work but constantly feel tired. As soon as I'm home from work I'm straight in bed, & people always moan that I don't go out to be sociable. I physically can't and it just drains me. People think I'm lazy but they don't know what I'm feeling. I have to constantly sit down at work but luckily enough my colleagues are understanding! Xx
Hi it's awful isn't it I'm sorry you have to go through this too. I was a nursery nurse it was just to physical for me I would be in agony. I just feel a bit useless but I literally feel so drained all the time. I wish there was more of an understanding for this condition I may feel more at ease then. Thanks for your reply means a lot knowing I'm not alone. Xx
I can relate to you,I'm 29 and I'm a stay at home mum with 2 beautiful kids (was lucky to get pregnant in the first place!) and I'm a open uni student. Yesterday I had my laparoscopy and it feels like I'm dying
Anyway, before the lap, I didn't want to socialise, go out and see people. Everything felt like a chore, I was constantly tired, by 3pm I felt like crawling into bed but I had to keep going for the kids. And I was in pain every day.
Take one step at a time, try and rest as much as you can and if you don't want to do something, then don't do it! I used to feel pressured into doing things I didn't want and that can damage your mental health.
As for the uni, do 1 hour a day if you can, better to spread tour dissertation down rather than doing it at the last minute. You can do it!
Hiya, aww thank you that message really did help, sometimes I do feel pressured into doing things because people think how can I possibly be like this everyday. So I feel I have to get up and go out sometimes. Well done you for coping with uni and your children whilst feeling the way you do! I'm really hoping I get offered a laproscopy soon, hope you start to feel better soon get plenty of rest, hopefully it gets better for you. Thank you so much it really helps hearing from people xx