Hi Ladies, I had my lap. On Wednesday last week and been changing my dressings every couple of days. The discharge from the ward was shocking and I wasn't given any after care advise. I've checked the wounds and they both seem to be healing really well. Does any one know how long I should keep them on for? Thank you xx
Dressings: Hi Ladies, I had my lap. On... - Endometriosis UK

I was told by the nurse to remove my dressings the day after my op but then I got a wound infection (not a serious one) so I'm not sure that was the best advice! Maybe best to check with your GP if you're unsure X
I cleaned mine daily allowed them to dry then recovered until I felt comfortable without them.
I removed my dressings 2 days after my lap and left them off. I was told cleaning wasn't needed as the area was already clean.
So when I showered the water would travel down to the incisions and then I would pat them dry with a clean towel. And I had no problems with mine. I will be 4 weeks post op in a few days and my stitches have dissolved.
If they aren't weeping I think you should remove the dressings.
Can you tell me a little more what to expect in hospital . Did u wait long to go down ? Have to wear a theatre gown? Completely naked ( no make up) under gown ? Did you have a drip for fluids after lap , how long did you stay - ? Day . I know they will tell me more at pre op appointment but good to hear details of someone who has had lap would help get my mind prepared a bit! X
I was on an afternoon list so I had to be there for 12.30. You go onto the day case ward and the nurses admit you, do your blood pressure, check your urine and ask some questions. All clothes off (including underwear) jewellery off, make up off and any nail varnish. Put your gown on. Take a dressing gown and slippers with you. The anaesthetist and consultant will come speak to you. I went down to theatre at 14.30. You go into the anesthetic room where you'll be hooked up to monitoring and they'll put a drip in your hand to administered the anaesthetic. You then go straight into theatre once asleep. Come out and stay in recovery until you wake up. A couple of nurses will take you back to the ward and monitor you while you come round properly. The consultant will come to speak to you briefly but they tend to not say a lot about the procedure as the anaesthetic can make you a bit out of it. You have to pass urine before you can leave. Nurses will give you some pain relief if needed and check your dressings. Once you've been to the toilet the nurse will take your canule out your hand and you can get changed. The nurse will give you you're discharge summary and then you can leave when your lift has arrived. Hope this helps x
Hi, yes helps a lot !
My surgery might b complicated , so surgeon said I might have to stay in over night but I obviously hope it won't be!
Thanks again x
The post above was very thorough. And I will add that at your pre op they will tell you about when you can eat until etc. I had to take picolax (laxatives) the day before so I was only allowed water, jelly, and clear soup the day before.
And I stayed in overnight, it isn't as bad as it seems, and you have to remember you're in the right place. Hope it all goes well x
I've got a lot of bruising but the incisions and stitches all look fine. I'll probably take them off now x
Hi lovely! Mine discharge was also absolutely rubbish! I had mine done 12 days ago, and kept cleaning it with salt water and savlon and changing the dressings every day for about 8 days then took them off. X