Hi everyone - I'm due to have a diagnostic lap next Friday - I'm scared to death - can anyone give me any tips of getting through it and then recovery after? Xxxxxx
Laparoscopy recovery time: Hi everyone - I... - Endometriosis UK
Laparoscopy recovery time

I was so nervous when I had mine, but the operation is not to worry about... It's quite painfull after because your full of wind in your chest and back, so u will definatly need a week of work so warn your work because they will give you a sick note!! My scars have vanished already, just a small one left under my belly button. Hope this helps babe. Xxxxxx
Hi mine was an emergency laparoscopy to remove a cyst from my ovary so it was all a rush but I was so nervous! It's normal to be nervous but the nurses were so kind and reassuring so that helped. As soon as I woke up in recovery they gave me pain relief so I wasn't in much pain but I did have a bad reaction to the anaesthetic and was sick a lot, I stayed in hospital for 3 days in total.
It's been 6 weeks since my op now and I'm still in a bit of pain especially if I do too much! You need to rest and not push yourself I work as a nursery nurse and went back on Monday but not 100% yet, it all takes time but it's not all that bad.
Good luck Hun you will be fine!
Thank you xx it's good to know people are honest - it's what I need xx
Try and get moving as much as possible it will help move the trapped gas they pump in (it aggrovates nerve endings in the diaphram which link with your shoulders) i found the referred shoulder pain more painful than the tummy pain. I had extensive robotic surgery on the tuesday and was back to work light duties the following monday. Everyone is different though just take the time you need. For the first couple of days you'll need someone to give you a hand getting up and about. Of course you'll be nervous but just try and relax as much as possible - good luck you'll be okay x
First of all.. very sorry to hear you're having to go through this procedure in the first place! Its always a bit scary going through something new, so don't feel alone :).
Iv had 8 laps now for endo treatment, and I promise you its not as bad as you're probably thinking. Id say the worst thing about it/recovery is the gas that sometimes gets left in you after surgery. You will obviously be a bit sore for surgery itself, but my advice with the gas is not to lay flat all the time, try and sit yourself up and when you feel able to, try and walk around a bit within your home. Obviously taking it easy :). The gas tends to travel to your shoulders/ribs if laying down for too long, which can be a bit of a neusense. Peppermint tea also helps! with the recovery period, everyone is different. After a week im normally starting to feel back to myself again! Just remember to look after your self and give yourself time to heal :). You're going to be absolutely fine! I wish you lots of luck!! Xxxxx
Hi for me it was definitely the shoulder pain that was the painful bit. Something that no one had told be about so was very confusing! All linked to the gas they pump in that presses on your diaphragm and affects the nerves related to the shoulder. Trying to get rid of the gas is troublesome but peppermint tea definitely helps so stock up. Also remember you are recovering from surgery so take it easy and rest plenty x
Hi I had my first lap last Tuesday and I was the same so nervous I was even going to cancel it. My hubby said to try not to think about it too much before hand because it will just make you worry and make you feel worse. I didn't think about it until I was at the hospital and then I started to panic. The nurses were so lovely and caring. One walk with me calming my nerves and then I was layed down. As they put me to sleep the other nurse talked to me about my kids and general things and before I knew it I was asleep. The next thing I knew I was being woken up. I was a bit cross because I was having such a lovely sleep!!! I agree with everyone else the gas pain was a bit bad and I couldn't lay down for the first night because I felt it travelling under my ribs. Overall the pain I had wasn't as bad As I thought it was going to be and I felt back to normal after about 5 days. I'm still taking it easy though. You will be fine just don't think about it too much and it will be over with before you know it. Good luck xxx
Thanks everyone it only dawned on me last night that the best people to ask were those that had gone through it 😁
Hey I'm just recovering from my second and I must say it depends if they are just having a look or if they actually do anything. Both times mine have been operative both times I worried. I suffered a lot with the anasetic so what they did was gave it to be intravenously and it massively helped! Only felt sick when I ate but the bloating was no where as bad and the recovering from the anasetic wasn't as bad at the last time. Peppermint tea help too. Just think ull find out everything that's caused you problems you'll have answers to why your on so much pain and it's worth it! The recovery is dependant on person last time I was stage 4 and I went back to work after 2 weeks and massively regretted it and made myself dreadfully ill this time I think by then I'll be ok. Just listen to you body I won't wish you luck because you don't need it. But just like I said think the answer to your pain is worth going through it and I hope you let us know how your doing xxxxx warm wishes
Hello, don't be scared, the thought of it is usually worse than reality. I had a diagnostic lap in October and I wrote a post about it on the same day describing everything that happened while it was fresh in my mind. If you click on my name you can read it.
The recovery is obviously different for everyone, I would say the first week you will need plenty of rest. Do drink lots of peppermint tea for the gas pain, it really works. I also bought peppermint water which was ridiculously expensive and didn't help any more than the cheap tea so I wouldn't recommend it.
After the first week things gradually improved and by week 2 I was doing more normal things, be prepared to be more tired than usual for a few weeks though. I think I had a few niggles for about 6 weeks but nothing major, the most annoying thing was not being able to sleep on my tummy.
If you have any questions at all please ask, everyone I have come across on here have been lovely and helpful.
I felt the same before my diagnostic laparascopy. Got myself into a complete panicky mess on the day.
I shouldn't have as it was fine, felt tired and a bit wobbly after for a few hours but by the time I got home I felt normal in myself. The only one thing was the pain I had in my chest from the gas they fill your abdomen with. I did very little for about a week after then slowly increased my activity and went back to work after about two weeks.
I don't think it takes long, I think it was an hour that I was under the anaesthetic and they only looked so recovery was quick. I think when it comes to more major surgery things might be a bit different.
Good luck, think positive and tell the nurses how nervous you are, they should put ur nerves at rest xxxxxx
Hey there,
This is the best advice, recovery 4-6 weeks.
Please don't be frightened, everyone in the hospital is very supportive. Before you know it you will be eating toast and sipping tea in recovery - you may get home on the same day or stay a few nights, but it is ok. You'll have plenty of pain meds and will be walking about within 24 hrs. Within a week you will be moving about relatively normally, you'll just need some more rest, be bloated and sore etc. So that's why recovery is a number of wks - you need to take it easy to heal well. If you are constipated or waterworks are temperamental after don't worry - in a few days it will all work out fine. You may have some pain in your shoulders due to gas they pump your tummy with (let's them see what they're doing) - move about, get somebody to rub your back, drink peppermint tea, sleep it off. You'll be ok, try and chill xxx
You have all been amazing - thank you xx