Hello lady's . I have been diagnosed with endo. For four years and in four weeks seedualed for my second laparoscopy . I went to my gps. To discus the stage I am at dealing with every day pain. Mixed in with the effects of resent treatment of menopause injection. Which isn't a good mix with endo. My moods are very low. Insomnia with fatigue. Constant pain. And mentally trying to push through each day. So support of my gp. Was so whishfull thinking. As she went on about the laparoscopy not being a cure. As well as if the procidure outcome that they are unable to remove all end from different areas. I will half to ! Stay on the injection for two years. At this point of the conversation I felt like crying. But then suggested. Oh why don't you just take the national rute and get pregnant. Well that's professional advice.??? As to use a child as a cure to remove endo. Well her words flush your system clean. I was in shock. I explained I didn't have a partner. As her replay was .( you dont need a boy friend to get pregnant. ) I am unsure even if a am fertile to conceive a child. I am shocked my gp. Would just suggest me to do this . As I wouldent do that have a child to just stop my pain. I just find it wrong. I went for help for feeling so low and alone suffering with endo. Now feel like I can't even get help and support of my gp. What should I do ? Please help.
Need advice.: Hello lady's . I have been... - Endometriosis UK
Need advice.

Oh I'm so sorry and so fed up of hearing about so called medical professionals giving such antiquated and inaccurate advice in this day in age. Especially when endo is one of THE most common gynaecological disorders affecting women so they should know better!!!
Sadly pregnancy and hysterectomy are rarely cures for endo and there is plenty of well documented research published in respected medical journals to show this. With easy access to the Internet now days you don't have to look far to find such articles!
I would be inclined to print off such an article to give it to her in order to educate her then find another GP either within the same practice or elsewhere.
Furthermore staying on the hormone treatment for 2 years inducing a state of menopause is not recommended and not within NHS guidelines which for health reasons recommend you remain on such treatment for no more than 6 months - it can have serious implications on bone density and your GP should know this.
I would probably also write a letter of complaint to the practice manager describing your experience and enclosing said article and asking that GP's within the practice update their training regarding endo as it's clearly needed if your GP is anything to go by.
Finally are you having your treatment lap undertaken by a BSGE Accredited Endo Centre?
Best wishes, Jo x
Thank you very much jo. For your helpfull and up lifting advice.I was unaware that Its not recommended to be on hormone treatment for that long. So greatfull for opening my eyes to that. I belive your totally right. My gp should know better and I am going to change my gp. Living in the Scottish boarders I really struggle to find any support locally there's nothing. But glad I found health unlocked.