Hey there was diagnosed with endometriosis on 3rd of march 2015 and had an operation laps copy had mirena coil inserted on the 13th April and have been bleeding ever since. I feel so much miserable. Anyone going through the same? Thanks
Hey : Hey there was diagnosed with... - Endometriosis UK
Hi hun
It is normal to have bleeding with the Mirena coil it can take up to 6 m6 months for this to settle.
Are you having any other side effect from it.x
Thanks for your reply.Have not had any other but am tending to have lower back pain and get tired so quickly don't know if it's a side of the mirena.
I to have had trouble with mirena, doctor prescribed me buscopan which is a smooth muscle relaxant (to calm uterus down), ibuprofen and ompeprazole. This worked fine for the first week but pain is different now taking paracetamole aswell. I've had enough I'm getting it removed on tuesday. haven't felt normal since january.
Glad to hear you are having it out. But just pre warning stock up on painkillers and sanitary towels I bled heavily after it was removed but apparently it "normal" Dr said makes me cross that they don't tell you anything about all things before you have it. It's worth having it out thought hun.xx
It's very sad they don't tell you all this things. Thanks hun for your advice will see how it goes for the next one month if it doesn't settle in am having it taken out. Bleeding everyday ain't the best one may end up with anaemia. Xx
No it isn't any good bleeding daily.
I hope that it does settle for you hun.
I agree there's only so long you can go with bleeding every day I was anemic when I had mine out and the Dr still told me that it wasn't down to the Mirena, I swear they think we are silly.
Good luck hun x
Thanks all for sharing your experiences and for the replies and knowing that am not alone in the same situation.