Hi I've just been told by my gp my MRI scans have come back showing I have endometriosis my go said I have one of the worst she's ever seen I have a cyst of my left ovary that is 14cm and I have a few other cyst (9) caused by the endometriosis size from 1.4cm to 5.8cm I also have kissing ovaries they said I have some on my bowls has anyone else had it like this if so what did they do
Some advice : Hi I've just been told by my... - Endometriosis UK
Some advice

I didn't realise MRI scan could show endometriosis?
Yes, a detailed pelvic MRI using contrast dye shows endometriosis.
Yes this sounds familiar. My endo was diagnosed by MRI. I also have huge endometriomas, apparently both ovaries are rammed. They are stuck to my uterus and my uterus to my bowel. What has your gp decided to do? You must be referred to an endo specialist not a general gynae. I'm just in the process of this. It's my understanding that when both ovaries are involved, the specialist will do two laparoscopies 12 weeks apart. Look up lindle on here, she has some great advice. X
Hi Thanks for the replys my gp has referred me to a specialist my appointment is on Monday to find out what to do next hope I don't need to wait long
Yes agree with the above. It sounds like you have recto vaginal endo. You may need two laps, the first diagnostic, followed by a second lap with two consultants - colorectal and gynae as you have stage 4 endo. I was in a similar situation and had my lap 3 weeks ago they were able to excise and put everything in the right place.
Best of luck.