Does anyone else have problems with their... - Endometriosis UK

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Does anyone else have problems with their eyes?! Sounds strange but anytime I'm having a bad few days or on my period my eyes are affected.

pemberton24 profile image
12 Replies
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pemberton24 profile image
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12 Replies
Impatient profile image

in what way are your eyes affected?

Do you get blood shot whites of the eyes?

Or is your vision impaired or do you get pain behind the eyes?

Or styes and skin irritations on eye lids?

any time you do have eye problems first port of call is an opticians in the high street if you are in the UK.

They test your eyes in a host of ways and if anything is found to be amiss, then they write a letter to your GP requesting you be referred to the hospital to see an opthamologist.

Waiting lists on the NHS for opthamologists at eye clinics are lengthy in most health authorities, so lots of lengthy waiting is involved.

Eye health is very important - whether endo related or not. Please seek expert assessment of your eyes whatever the problem might be. if there is Glaucoma in your immediate family then your eye tests are free of charge at the opticians. Even without that it isn't too costly to have an eye examination and they can be very useful check ups to have periodically.

It may be simply down to blood pressure, so try and book to see an optician when you are on a period. this will show up any active endo if that is the issue (and rare as it is, it is not unheard of). Good Luck

pemberton24 profile image

Hi, thanks for replying! I get very blurred vision and my eyes just keep watering and seen extra sensitive to light, its very strange! Think I'll book an appointment with optician and get them checked out. Thanks for your help!

bunnikins28 profile image

Hi Yes I find a few days before I come on I have blurred vision and weeping tired eyes have been to the optician and he has found no problem so I have put it down to just another factor of endo along with bleeding teeth for a day, pain down my jaw ......

rkatie profile image
rkatie in reply to bunnikins28

So weird, I have the exact same symptoms as this.

Bryonybear18 profile image

Are you on any hormones, I went to my optician and he asked what meds I was on so I gave him my list and included cerazette. Apparently contraceptives can cause havoc with your eyes especially when you have endo.

Hope that helps. xx

pemberton24 profile image

Hi thanks everyone for your replies I'm new on here and to endo so lovely to know people are out there to help answer my questions! Makes you feel a little less alone in it all! I'm not on the pill anymore but had the mirena coil put in during my laparoscopy. My eyes were causing me problems before I had the coil in and I was on femodene (combined pill) so might be different hormones causing it? Thanks for everyones help xx

Jofus89 profile image

YES!!! Wow I really thought I was the only one seeing as my gyny told me it has nothing to do with my endo!!! Although it only started after my first lap a year ago!!! I get blurred vision a lot especially when trying to look at screens or the tv yet my glasses work the rest of the time I also keep getting little white dots next to my eye that stay little white dots for weeks and then become massive red lumps before falling off and I get stys ALL THE TIME!! As in I have about 3 days between them!!! Seeing my dr Wednesday because my right eye was swollen shut this morning.

I hope the optician helps and they can fix the problem for you xxx

Fancydress-girl profile image

Hiya, colitis (bowel inflammation disease) is linked to problems with eyes. Hope this helps xx

flossyk profile image

Hi all,

I get really watery eyes in the morning, I've had some concerned looks from strangers as I walk past with my eyes streaming, I, (almost), always smile, but not sure if that makes me look even more crazy ;)

I also get blurry, scratchy and light sensitive eyes, but had put it down to being tired and working at a screen all day.

I have a mirena coil, but like you pemberton24, I had weepy eyes before I had that put in. I've seen my optician who had good look at the back of my eyes and tested their pressure etc and thankfully, it was all ok, but I would highly recommend anyone else with these symptoms to do the same, it's always best to check things out and could be that you get some relief from wearing glasses.

I have also previously had Blepharitis, (, some of the symptoms of which can be weepy, gritty light sensitive eyes. It's best to see your Dr or optician to get this checked though. For Blepharitis, wiping your eyes, (around your eyes obviously, not your actual eyeballs, that would be silly), twice daily with a cotton wool ball soaked in warm water and a tiny bit of johnsons baby shampoo, (a nurse told me it must be johnsons, for some reason others don't work, not a product plug I promise), clears it up and has the added bonus of helping open your eyelids if they're a bit stuck! To be fair, it did work.

However, as ever on this site, reading that there are others who also share my symptoms makes me think could it possibly be hormone/endo related and how dumb am I to have not even thought that this could be connected until now?

Endo, the gift that keeps giving eh ?!

I hope you all have a good, pain free day tomorrow and keep us posted on what the optician says pemberton24 :)


danidaydream profile image

I have problems with my eyes, I suffer from dry sensitive eyes, blurred vision, occasional pain behind eyes, floaters, early visceral detachment and sun sensitivity. I am very short sighted so I always put it down to that. X

sbactive profile image

I have that too but not sure it's related?

8001 profile image

I have just googled this very thing, I have really blurry vision when I have my period and wanted to know if anyone else does.

Not what you're looking for?

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