I had an endo lap 8mths ago and now been ... - Endometriosis UK

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I had an endo lap 8mths ago and now been recommended the mirena coil as many pills turn me into a psycho! Any advice/experiences? Thanks x

Fern2907 profile image
11 Replies
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Catness profile image

Hello :) I had my lap in July last year and it has taken me until now for my consultant to convince my to try the mirena. I'm having it put in under general anesthetic in a couple of weeks due to me having a bicornuate uterus. Like you, I have tried the pill in the past, and turned into an emotional mess so it wasn't an option for me to try another one. All I would say is that you only ever tend to hear about the bad stories online with the Mirena as people don't tend to share the good. After speaking to a couple of friends and ladies on here I am convinced its worth a try and if not I can take it out again. When it does work it seems to be amazing and everyone is different. The only thing I would say is that I am already mentally preparing myself for a rough 3-6 months as it settles down as I have heard it can be a little bit unpleasant so if I can get through that it should be fine :) xx

Fern2907 profile image
Fern2907 in reply to Catness

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Like you say, many people have positive experiences so i'll try and remain open minded :) Would you mind letting me know how you get on with it please? I would really appreciate it! Good luck, it must be such a relief to finally be trying something new :) xx

Catness profile image
Catness in reply to Fern2907

Yes of course I will :) I'm a little nervous (due to the horror stories) but if it helps a little but it will be worth it in my book. The only reason I am doing it is that I have been offered a place as a mature student at University and I don't want my endo (and mostly my periods) to disrupt it. I've just been signed off work for two weeks with an endo flare up and period from hell and I couldn't bare the thought of having it at uni too. By the time to start the 6 months will be coming to an end so it is exciting really :) the coil seemed like the lesser of a lot of evils which my consultant wanted me to try so I'll give it a go :) xx

Fern2907 profile image
Fern2907 in reply to Catness

That is so exciting and definitely the best option then! What are you studying? Good luck with it all! :) xx

Catness profile image
Catness in reply to Fern2907

Thank you :) it's a course to learn to manage museums, galleries and heritage sites xx

bomberkl profile image

Hi there, I'm afraid I had a really bad experience on Mirena. I had a similarly bad reaction to the pill - either I would bleed constantly or they would really affect my moods. The doc suggested Mirena but after 2 months I was begging them to take it out - I became extremely depressed, crying hysterically and not wanting to go out, snapping at my boyfriend at absolutely anything and generally being a nightmare. I know docs say to give it at least 6 months to see the benefit but it just wasn't an option for me feeling that way. I had my 2nd laparoscopy last week and the consultant tried to persuade me to have Mirena put in at same time after my treatment and I said categorically no way. In the last year, I decided to come off any hormone treatment at all and whilst the pain has been unbearable, I feel much more like myself. The doc is now making me try Cerazette which I will start next week. I'm pretty scared tbh, as don't want to feel that way again. Everyone is different and reacts differently, but from my own experience I would say that if you have struggled with hormones before, you need to be careful with Mirena - perhaps keep a diary of your moods etc. I really hope it works out for you as for those that it does work for I've heard it really does help the pain. Take care x

Impatient profile image

I absolutely love the mirena - just to add a good news spin on things.

I cannot feel it, and it has stopped my periods completely and quite honestly I am so thrilled at no longer having hell every couple of weeks it has liberated me. I am still dreadfully tired all the time - but I was that way before Mirena.

Zero periods, or period pains, or PMT. None of that. Saves a fortune in tampons and towels and gives you back at least a quarter of every year in time where you are no ruled by periods.

In my case my periods were lasting 2 weeks a month anyway -so I gained 6months a year extra time to do things I couldn't possibly consider doing when I was in agony dosed up on pain killers and gushing niagara falls each month.

Mine was installed in a general anaesthetic.

Mirena is 20% of the hormone dose of BC Pills - so it a lot less powerful - but it is delivered directly to the uterus where it is supposed to be working, so it doesn't have to be as strong as BC Pills which you take in through your digestive system then they have to work their way through the rest of your body to hit their target.

You basically forget its even there. No daily tablets to remember to take either.

And if it curtails your bleeding or better still does stop it altogether it will help to reduce the risk of existing endo from spreading.

It doesn't suit everyone - but the benefits are huge if it does work for you, and is certainly well worth trying.

Mine took 5 months for my periods to stop. Then a year after that I did have 2 periods a month apart. Thought the mirena had failed - but I was wrong. Just a blip. and since then no periods at all - and not even had any spotting either.

I used to have to carry round spare clothes, pain killers and back up tampons and towels wherever I went.

These days I just carry my bank card and a cell phone. That's it. Life is a LOT easier.

Stephanie1987 profile image

Exactly the same after my first opp 5yrs ago i went on the pill turnt me nuts, my endo has just re-turned 3mths ago they wont oparate again so have given me the coil. At first i hated it i had bad side affects now its calmed down iv just had my first period i bleed for 10days but no pain 'YES' just hope it carries on this way. Some women get on with the coil some dont it depends on if you can put up with the first few months of distruption and just wait it out.

_Tamsin_ profile image

I had mine fitted yesterday, so I will let you know how it goes :)

Lilykat197 profile image

Had mine fitted last Monday whilst having lap, I am in quite a bit if pain BUT I had endo all over my bowels, ovary and abdominal cavity so the pain I am in could be just from the op!!! us ladies have been through so much pain that I reckon anything that might help is worth a try, it's not permanent and you can always have taken out if need be, you never know it might just be the thing for you!!!! Good luck

Melissajd92 profile image

Everyone is different but I had a terrible time with the Mirena coil at first I was fine after I had my laparosopy when I had it at 18 , all of a sudden such excruciating pain in my back I begged them to take it out at first they say carry on it will get better but I was in so much pain and on such strong pain killers I was just sleeping . I just cried all the time but they took it out and the pain stopped although my back pains re occur and i didn't have those pains before! At 22 now having had another laparosocpy sept 2013 I am now after trying many pills that made me ill on microgynon which seems the only one that has ever made me feel slightly normal I can totally relate to your other post as well that's the one thing this pill doesn't help but health wise whilst I'm on it , it does , all the best and with regards to the Mirena it's always worth a try because if it works going by others it can change your life , just realised the age of this post did you ever have the Mirena?

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