Am I safe taking gabapentine if trying to concieve?
when reading the instructions it doesn't look like it?
Am I safe taking gabapentine if trying to concieve?
when reading the instructions it doesn't look like it?
Correct it is NOT proven safe for pregnancy.
Depends on the reason you are taking it - as to whether you stop.
If it is prescribed for epilepsy then you must speak to your GP, becuse you need to be on the drug, but if you are taking it just for nerve pain, as a pain killer, then there is more flexibility - albeit a painful option to stop taking it.
Speak to your GP, it could be that your doc is happy for you to stay on it till you conceive, but then how do you intend to control your pain levels once pregnant?
Nerve damage pain may not go away simply because you are pregnant. Being pregnant and requiring very strong pain relief is certainly something you need to talk about with Doc and plan for. It may be that surgical intervention to block the nerves sending pain signals would help you and get that done before you get pregnant.
Thank you impatient that was really helpful. its for pain and not finding it all that good so think I will stop xx