Had pains on and off for 7years, however ... - Endometriosis UK

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Had pains on and off for 7years, however since October been in so much pain everyday! Why is this? When will it end? Worn out! Fed up! Help!

Samantha_Ryan profile image
2 Replies

Hi there, story so far, I've had pains for 7 years now, low right hand side of my stomach, been in and out of hospital with it, waiting for laperoscopy, have pre op on Friday so hopefully will find out then when it will be! Gyne doctor doing the laperoscopy with suspected endo. Pains come and go, pains seem to come either few days before my period would be due or few days after (I'm on microgynon back to back) pain can last for just a few days up to 3 weeks, feels like sharp stabbing pains, I'm usually doubled up in pain and when it's so bad I end up in hospital needing morphine for pain relief! But then I wud get a few weeks up to 8 weeks of realief where pain just felt like a dull ache, I could work, socialise, everything as normal, however since about October last year I feel like I'm in so much pain every day, waking up through the night in pain, need to take painkillers everyday, where as I would usually only take painkillers when the pain was really bad, I take oxycodone and nefopam. Also since October i feel tired and exhausted everyday, but not through lack of sleep, it's like my body is so heavy and I have to force myself to do things and my body is willing me to go back to bed, I get terrible pains down my back and tops of my legs, I've started getting headaches when the pains are bad, I have the runs everyday even thou I'm on painkillers which used to make me constipated (sorry too much info), can this all be with endometriosis? Or is it all in my head? Or something else? I'm just desperate now to be free of pain, to have a break from the pain, the last few months it's just totally taken over my life, I have no social life, no sex with my partner as it hurts so much which is affecting our relationship! I find it such a struggle everyday, I'm only 23 and I have a 9 month old baby, I need to be well for her, I'm struggling at the minute and I love her so much I want to be there for her 24/7 and be able to take her out and do things with her! I just feel like giving up! Sorry about going on just don't no where else to turn!

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2 Replies

Oh it sounds like story of my life. I haven't been officially diagnosed either, I had symptoms from 2008 but i could manage, I was going out, going for holiday, working, going to the gym etc but from the beginning of February this year it's just unbearable, I'm constantly tired and in pain and off sick and they still won't refer me to gyne! ( i had laps to remove two orange sized cysts as a teenager and history of gyne problems). I also sometimes feel like it's all in my head, I'm 26 I haven't had sex/glass of wine/gone out etc in months now, I used to dance, 3xweek, I stopped. It's slighlty better since I changed mycrogynon to depoprovera coz my periods are gone completly (no more period pain and no more period migraines!) but I had (sorry for details:-) very loose bowels for the past 3 years and now since Feb I'm constipated - it gives me awful back pain, lower abd pain and diziness and headache - and I haven't changed anything in my diet. Seeing GP next week (again!), hope this time she will refer me to gyno (last time they sent me gastro (second time in a year- had endoscopies but they were fine so they think its 'IBS and possible endo' but won't give me a lap...) Ah, gastro also advised to 'take things easy and try yoga'...I told him I was doing yoga when I was pain free, now I can't...so they added 'depression' to their 'IBS and endo' diagnosis... I would love to get diagnostic lap, I'm sometimes 'scared' that it won't show anything and doctors will have another argument that it's all in my head...:-( I just want to get diagnose and treated for whatever condition I have...Ah and on top of that I think meeting with HR is coming up soon at work - because I missed so many hours in the past two months...

And for the pain - both period and lower abdomen - have you tried hot water bottles or the heat patches you can stick to your clothes - it does wonders for me ! coz too many painkillers also give me bad stomach/bowel symptoms. I also just bought something called tens machine - i heard about it on this webiste. got it yday for only £13 on ebay just waiting to get it delivered:)

Fingers crossed that they will help you after your lap!x

Samantha_Ryan profile image

Hi thanks for the reply, good luck with ur HR meeting, surely they will understand, and good luck at the drs, u really have to be firm and demand a referral, they did the same with me, sent to gastro, given a colonoscopy, fobbed off with ibs. Also had the dr that said it was with depression and all in my head, I explained I had depression because of the years of being in total agony! I had a laperoscopy a few years ago and they never found anything, but it wasn't done by a gyne dr, 3 years down the line and many trips in and out of hospital and I'm finally referred to gyne and getting a lap looking for endo and adhesions! Honestly u really need to be firm, it's took me 7 years. Had pre meds today, so hoping op will be soon. Need it done ASAP, I can't go on with this pain any longer, it's constant day in, day out at the minute. sometimes doubled up in pain and was being sick through the night, I'm currently doubled up in bed, drugged up on painkillers and a hot water bottle, whilst my boyfriend is away with work and my mam is having to look after my baby overnight as I'm just in too much pain to look after my own child! It's no life! I need to be there for my daughter! I'm sorry about all the complaining, it's just it gets lonely sometimes, friends and family r good but they don't understand wot ur going through! Let me know if the tens machine works at all, if so al give it a go :) take care xx

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