Hi there, if I remember correct I have birch, grass, mugwort, dog, cat and dust mite allergies. I don't know which is worse, but is there a way the hospital can find out what makes me itch so much?
I have been able to stay off my allergy tablets since October 2016 until sometime in February 2017. Now I must use them more and more often. Before October last year I would have to take tablet every day all year round, if I forgot by a few hours I would itch like crazy all over my body. It is the same if I'm at home where I don't have animals or at my dads who has animals. I think the itching can be because of the dust mite allergy, but can the itching start even 4-5 hours after getting up from bed? Or must it be something else I'm reacting on? Is there pollen starting already in February? I do have clogged/runny nose in bed and itchy eyes and stuff, that Im pretty sure is the mites. But do you get itchy all over body from it? Even if you are outside the house in car or mall etc? When my hairbottom starts itching is the worst, And I do itch all over my body where I get red, swollen marks where I've barley been itching, and it makes me CRAZY, I want to know if it is something I can avoid or do, Want to avoid having to start using tablets again, but if I have to then I have to. Any advice please?