Introduce yourself to the community here!: Why not... - EFA


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Introduce yourself to the community here!

17 Replies

Why not introduce yourself to the rest of the community? Say hello and share something interesting about yourself by commenting below. Welcome!

17 Replies

Hi I'm daisybell. New to this community and keen to find out more about allergies since I feel they are very misunderstood. I have allergies to multiple food, seasonal allergies, even asthma. I have it all really....

Also my grandfather suffers from COPD so curious to hear information about that. I feel bad for what he deals with and very much want to support him the best way possible.

Looking forward to meeting you all x

lilypad here new to this community. i've suffered from asthma my entire life so i know the ins and outs, plus i get allergies like hay fever every spring

Gordon57 profile image

I'm Gordon, the 57 is my birth year for those who like to know how old people are. I have COPD and Asthma, as well as Raynauds. I live in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, with my wife and two grown up children. My wife is a home carer.

I lost my job partly through my illness, I was a radio station manager, and have spent the last 18 months battling with the DWP and ATOS to get the benefits and allowances I paid my NI contributions for all my life :) I now do a weekly radio show on Internet Radio, which keeps me occupied for a while as it takes 2-3 hours to prepare a one hour show - we don't just make it up as we go along y'know.

jojam profile image

Hi all I'm Jo I am 63 & I have severe Emphysema, Polythysemia & Ischemic colitis. I have been on long term oxygen 24/7 since December 2009. I do still manage to get around with portable oxygen & my Rollator I hire a mobility scooter from shop mobility when I go into town. I am currently going to Pulmonary rehabilitation, I am lucky as this is my fourth year to be given a place, it really does help. My condition is much improved since undertaking regular exercise & the PR helps to ensure I maintain the motivation. I would recommend it to anyone.

Hope you all have a breathe easy day.

Best wishes

Jo :-)

Hi everyone,my name is Wendells,I live in Aus.left the uk,many moons ago.

I have 4 adult children & 7 grandchildren,they all live reasonably close to us.

I have had asthma,since my 40s,when it surprisingly appeared,I say surprisingly,as I was one of those people that never had a cold a child,or younger adult.

10 years later,I was dx with Copd.I am now in my later sixties & do get frustrated at times,at having limitations,as to what I want to do.

Like Jo,I can't recommend pulmonary rehab enough,a great help.

Have a breathe easy day!


I'm 46 and have got allergic asthma along with a myriad of allergies incl dust mite, all types of pollen more or less, cleaning products, honey, raw fruit and veg, legumes, certain nuts etc

My lung doc wants to do something about my allergies because they were so bad this year, not sure what yet though. My next appt is in July.

I've listed my meds on my profile.


in reply to

Thought I'd add: I am half Spanish half English (Sp dad, Eng mum) Dutch husband, lived in Holland ten years now Belgium for ten, worked in Germany 15 years, Greek brother-in-law. I used to be a musician till a car accident a while ago and then did (as retraining) master's in linguistics and now teach English as a foreign language.

koala x

Riverfrog profile image
Riverfrog in reply to

Hi Koala,

I just realized that you are here. What a nuisance it must be to have allergies, I would have a problem if I was allergic to my cat.

I get hives if I eat honey but it dosen't seem to affect the Asthma so I am lucky.

What can they do for you?

in reply to Riverfrog

Hi Riverfrog,

Yes, allergies can be annoying! I am lucky with my food allergies in that they are easy to spot and avoid - I am fine with eggs, dairy, meat and fish. I can also eat all cooked fruit & veg except things in the legume family. The airborne ones are problematic, smoke, pollen, dust, cleaning products - they affect me badly and they are difficult or impossible to avoid.

What the doctors can do I don't know, a few years ago they said there wasn't anything because desensitisation can only be done for max 3 things, whereas I was allergic to way over ten times that number of things. My current lung doc wants to do something though he said. I'll see, I'm back there 8th July.

Although I am allergic to animals I am ok with our poodle. His fur really is hypoallergenic for me. Other breeds give me itchy eyes and asthma.

koala x

Riverfrog profile image

Hi Everyone,

I have been Asthmatic since my 40's some 20 years ago and last year I was told I now have COPD in the early stages. My cough is pretty dreadful and people keep asking me if I smoke. Well I don't smoke and so it proves it is not only smokers who get COPD.

My question for now is does enyone have some suggestions of lung excercises that I could do to improve my lungs and delay deterioration.?

I have not been given any and finding it hard to find which excercises I should be doing.

Hi Riverfrog,

Sorry you've got COPD as well as asthma now. A lung nurse told me that a lot of asthmatics develop a COPD- like illness from around age 60 upwards. The more I learn about asthma, the more I hate the stupid thing.

Were you ever exposed to chemicals, cement or dust etc of any type at work or anywhere? You haven't got that gene I suppose, the one that gives you emphysema even if you never smoked and always lived on a Swiss mountain?


Riverfrog profile image

Hi Koala,

I love your name. Thank you for your reply, it is good to hear from someone.

I don't know what that Gene is, perhaps. Our house is dusty, we lived in it whilst doing it up and the walls are of stone. Before that we lived in a converted barn which use to have Hay in the loft! and back when I was a young person sociallizing was done in clubs and pubs, they were always smokey. I just put it down to that.

How about you?

in reply to Riverfrog

Thanks! I like your name too, we get frogs in our garden quite often because our neighbour behind us has got a massive pond. They are so cute :-)

There's a gene that causes emphysema, sometimes in younger people than normally diagnosed in smoke related cases. It's called alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency.

It sounds like you were exposed to various possible triggers, aren't we all, unfortunately. My father smoked a pipe till I was ten when he gave up. Our house was old and carpeted.

As for lung problems and allergies, they have been life long for me. I missed my first 2 years of school due to constant bronchitis then had that every winter till I was about 18. I was diagnosed with asthma very early on and put on meds. In my 20s it was ok, but at 34 I contracted whooping cough that very nearly did me in for good. Since then my asthma has been worse.

I also had allergies from very young, the hayfever was intolerable, freshly cut grass etc meant I couldn't see where I was going, my eyes were so itchy, watery and swollen, I'd sneeze constantly. With the dust mite allergy I have always had a very swollen inner nose, very annoying!

There is a fabulous treatment in Germany where they use ozone and your own blood. Autohematherapy. That is the best allergy treatment for me by miles and without be side effects too.

koala x

in reply to

In the last line, "be" should read "any"

bookworm profile image

Hiya am new to this community, I was diagnosed with mild/allergy related asthma (one nurse said it was mild asthma, another said it was allergy related), got diagnosed as I was out of breath a lot, had to have a spirogymenty - excuse the spelling, was not told not allowed to eat, so had to go back, told had asthma over the phone as they said to me "you need to have a chest x-ray you have asthma". So I thought thanks for telling me like this, after the doctor's surgery losing the form several times, neglecting to tell me my local hospital only did x-rays til 1, told them where dr surgery so got in just before they closed, had a review about month later was diagnosed. Then my next one was three years later about a couple of months. Never been diagnosed with hay fever, but have the symptoms.

Also have:


Touch of IBS

Touch of eczema



saturianankit profile image

from india (varanasi)

Hi everyone, new to this community, and I've severe COPD, which I put down to a life time of smoking ... but I've given up the evil weed, nearly 9 weeks now, and still to feel any benefit, though, due to a succession of chest infections, or one long protracted one. Either, or, it wasn't nice!

I live in a small, rural village in South Lanarkshire, widowed, and have a lovely little companion dog called Callie. Callie is a Chinese Crested Powder Puff - low on energy, low on dander, non casting, but every so high in the affection stakes.

I have a 21 year old daughter, who lives 20 miles away with her partner and their daft-as-a-brush border collie, Ben.