Along with most of us with hEDS and associated Fibromyalgia I get bouts of dreadful fatigue
I am tired all the time and her days of fatigue when I wake feeling I could cry as I am so tired
As we know it is different from just feeling tired and difficult to explain to those who don’t get it.
Since wearing my Apple Watch to monitor my sleep along with some different apps the couple I have just confirm what I already know
I wake frequently either to wee or with hip/ knee/ shoulder etc etc pain
I also have wakenings showing when I don’t know I am awake according to my watch
For as long as I remember ( and many years pre diagnosis) I get occasional episode when I wake up in a panic unable to breathe. I try and keep calm, realise I can breathe and go back to sleep.
This may happen every month or so or occasionally more often-
Very often I don’t remember this until my hubby reminds me in the morning.
Because if this About 20 years ago I was investigated for sleep apnoea where I had to wire myself up to a home monitoring device one night- and of course - typically it didn’t happen that night!
So it was concluded that I didn’t have sleep apnoea.
Fast forward many years and my diagnosis and I do wonder whether these episodes are caused by floppy tissues in my throat causing my airways to block and then I wake up and breathe.
I read an article this evening in the daily paper about sleep apnoea in women and wondered whether anyone else had any issues with this similar to mine?
For the record I do snore according to my phone and my hubby! But generally that’s only if I’m on my back
Others insights into this would be useful for my next visit to my GP!
My GP is amazing, and has done every blood test under the Sun to find causes of my fatigue and all came back normal.
But now I wonder could this be the simple answer?
Interested to hear others’ opinions