Hi all,
I’m looking for some insight or opinion from those who have been through this. I am 23 years old and am currently looking into genetic testing after being diagnosed with PoTS. I’m 5’9 and relitively skinny weighing in the 130’s. I have been extremely Hypermobile my entire life including my fingers wrists, elbows, and shoulders. My skin is fairly stretchy. Recently I’ve been diagnosed with a venous insufficiency but they told me that it was a result of my PoTS. I noticed I have faint blue sclera of my eyes, occasional tinnitus, joint pain and tmj... I have never had any serious issues other than migraines, and non severe bowel irregularities. I have had a lot of x-rays of my chest, echocardiograms, and CT scans due to my PoTS and migraines. I have always been told that there are no abnormalities. A lot of my issues they say is because of my PoTS. I have a child last year vaginally with no issues with a very fast labor and delivery of 4.5 hours I do not have translucent skin (but you can fairly see some of my veins) or the physical characteristics associated with vEDs, but I do have one aunt who passed away of a brain aneurysm during surgery at 40. She suffered a lot of abuse from her husband and smoked a lot— that’s what they attributed it to. Her child had a son with club foot. Is it possible to have clubfoot with Hypermobility? No one else in my family have any issues other than joint pain and my aunts have migraines. My dad has 6 siblings, and each sibling had at least 2+ children. One aunt= 4 children, one aunt=3 children, 2 aunts= 2 children, my uncle = 2 children, my dad= 4 children... My dad and uncle are 50 and have never had any issues. Is it possible vEDS runs in my family and they have all been extremely lucky to not have had any sort of rupture thus far? Or is it likely another form of EDS? Any advice is appreciated. They can’t get me into testing until May and I am driving myself mad thinking about possibly having passed this on to my son.